// @author Chris Demmings - https://demmings.github.io/
// *** DEBUG START ***
// Remove comments for testing in NODE
export { Sql, gsSQL, GasSql, BindData, TableExtract };
import { Table } from './Table.js';
import { TableData } from './TableData.js';
import { SqlParse } from './SimpleParser.js';
import { SelectTables } from './Views.js';
class Logger {
static log(msg) {
// *** DEBUG END ***/
* Query any sheet range using standard SQL SELECT syntax.
* @example
* gsSQL("select * from expenses where type = ?1", "expenses", A1:B, true, "travel")
* @param {String} statement - SQL string
* @param {...any} parms - "table name", SheetRange, [..."table name", SheetRange], OutputTitles (true/false), [...Bind Variable]
* @returns {any[][]} - Double array of selected data. First index ROW, Second index COLUMN.
* @customfunction
function gsSQL(statement, ...parms) { // skipcq: JS-0128
return GasSql.execute(statement, parms);
* @classdesc
* Top level class used by Google Sheets custom function to process SELECT and return table data.
class GasSql {
* Run SELECT command statement and returns data in a table format (double array).
* The appropriate functions are selected to be run based on the format of the command line parameters.
* @param {String} statement
* @param {any[]} parms
* @returns {any[][]}
static execute(statement, parms) {
if (parms.length === 0 || (parms.length > 0 && (Array.isArray(parms[0]) || parms[0] === ''))) {
return GasSql.executeSqlv1(statement, parms);
else if (parms.length > 0 && typeof parms[0] === 'string') {
return GasSql.executeSqlv2(statement, parms);
else {
throw new Error("Invalid gsSQL() parameter list.");
* Processes SQL SELECT using original command line syntax. This syntax does not update automatically if the
* data changes, so is not recommended anymore.
* @param {String} statement
* @param {any[]} parms
* @returns {any[][]}
static executeSqlv1(statement, parms) {
const sqlCmd = new Sql();
let columnTitle = true;
const bindings = [];
// If first item of parms is an array, the parms are assumed to be:
// @param {any[][]} tableArr - {{"tableName", "sheetRange", cacheSeconds, hasColumnTitle}; {"name","range",cache,true};...}"
// @param {Boolean} columnTitle - TRUE will add column title to output (default=TRUE)
// @param {...any} bindings - Bind variables to match '?' in SQL statement.
const tableArr = parms.length > 0 ? parms[0] : [];
const tableList = GasSql.parseTableSettings(tableArr, statement);
Logger.log(`gsSQL: tableList=${tableList}. Statement=${statement}. List Len=${tableList.length}`);
for (const tableDef of tableList) {
sqlCmd.addTableData(tableDef[0], tableDef[1], tableDef[2], tableDef[3]);
columnTitle = parms.length > 1 ? parms[1] : true;
for (let i = 2; i < parms.length; i++) {
for (const bind of bindings) {
return sqlCmd.execute(statement);
* Process SQL SELECT using new command line syntax. Using this syntax ensures that the select data is refreshed
* if any of the selected table data changes - and is therefore the recommended usage.
* @param {String} statement
* @param {any[]} parms
* @returns {any[][]}
static executeSqlv2(statement, parms) {
const sqlCmd = new Sql();
let columnTitle = true;
const bindings = [];
// We expect: "tableName", tableData[], ...["tableName", tableData[]], includeColumnOutput, ...bindings
let i = 0;
while (i + 1 < parms.length && typeof parms[i] !== 'boolean') {
Logger.log(`Add Table: ${parms[i]}. Items=${parms[i + 1].length}`);
sqlCmd.addTableData(parms[i], parms[i + 1], 0, true);
i += 2;
if (i < parms.length && typeof parms[i] === 'boolean') {
columnTitle = parms[i];
Logger.log(`Column Titles: ${columnTitle}`);
while (i < parms.length) {
Logger.log(`Add BIND Variable: ${parms[i]}`);
for (const bind of bindings) {
return sqlCmd.execute(statement);
* @param {any[][]} tableArr - Referenced Table list. This is normally the second parameter in gsSQL() custom function.
* It is a double array with first index for TABLE, and the second index are settings in the table.
* The setting index for each table is as follows:
* * 0 - Table Name.
* * 1 - Sheet Range.
* * 2 - Cache seconds.
* * 3 - First row contains title (for field name)
* @param {String} statement - SQL SELECT statement. If no data specified in 'tableArr', the SELECT is
* parsed and each referenced table is assumed to be a TAB name on the sheet.
* @param {Boolean} randomOrder - Returned table list is randomized.
* @returns {any[][]} - Data from 'tableArr' PLUS any extracted tables referenced from SELECT statement.
* It is a double array with first index for TABLE, and the second index are settings in the table.
* The setting index for each table is as follows:
* * 0 - Table Name.
* * 1 - Sheet Range.
* * 2 - Cache seconds.
* * 3 - First row contains title (for field name)
static parseTableSettings(tableArr, statement = "", randomOrder = true) {
let tableList = [];
let referencedTableSettings = tableArr;
// Get table names from the SELECT statement when no table range info is given.
if (tableArr.length === 0 && statement !== "") {
referencedTableSettings = TableExtract.getReferencedTableNames(statement);
if (referencedTableSettings.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Missing table definition {{"name","range",cache};{...}}');
Logger.log(`tableArr = ${referencedTableSettings}`);
for (/** @type {any[]} */ const table of referencedTableSettings) {
if (table.length === 1)
table.push(table[0]); // if NO RANGE, assumes table name is sheet name.
if (table.length === 2)
table.push(60); // default 0 second cache.
if (table.length === 3)
table.push(true); // default HAS column title row.
if (table[1] === "")
table[1] = table[0]; // If empty range, assumes TABLE NAME is the SHEET NAME and loads entire sheet.
if (table.length !== 4)
throw new Error("Invalid table definition [name,range,cache,hasTitle]");
// If called at the same time, loading similar tables in similar order - all processes
// just wait for table - but if loaded in different order, each process could be loading something.
if (randomOrder)
tableList = tableList.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
return tableList;
* @classdesc
* Perform SQL SELECT using this class.
class Sql {
constructor() {
/** @property {Map<String,Table>} - Map of referenced tables.*/
this.tables = new Map();
/** @property {Boolean} - Are column tables to be ouptout? */
this.columnTitle = false;
/** @property {BindData} - List of BIND data linked to '?' in statement. */
this.bindData = new BindData();
/** @property {String} - derived table name to output in column title replacing source table name. */
this.columnTableNameReplacement = null;
* Parse SQL SELECT statement, performs SQL query and returns data ready for custom function return.
* <br>Execute() can be called multiple times for different SELECT statements, provided that all required
* table data was loaded in the constructor.
* Methods that would be used PRIOR to execute are:
* <br>**enableColumnTitle()** - turn on/off column title in output
* <br>**addBindParameter()** - If bind data is needed in select. e.g. "select * from table where id = ?"
* <br>**addTableData()** - At least ONE table needs to be added prior to execute. This tells **execute** where to find the data.
* <br>**Example SELECT and RETURN Data**
* ```js
* let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.author_id " +
* "FROM books " +
* "WHERE books.author_id IN ('11','12') " +
* "ORDER BY books.title";
* let data = new Sql()
* .addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
* .enableColumnTitle(true)
* .execute(stmt);
* Logger.log(data);
* [["books.id", "books.title", "books.author_id"],
* ["4", "Dream Your Life", "11"],
* ["8", "My Last Book", "11"],
* ["5", "Oranges", "12"],
* ["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "11"]]
* ```
* @param {any} statement - SELECT statement as STRING or AST of SELECT statement.
* @returns {any[][]} - Double array where first index is ROW and second index is COLUMN.
execute(statement) {
this.ast = (typeof statement === 'string') ? SqlParse.sql2ast(statement) : statement;
// "SELECT * from (select a,b,c from table) as derivedtable"
// Sub query data is loaded and given the name 'derivedtable' (using ALIAS from AS)
// The AST.FROM is updated from the sub-query to the new derived table name.
// A JOIN table can a sub-query. When this is the case, the sub-query SELECT is
// evaluated and the return data is given the ALIAS (as) name. The AST is then
// updated to use the new table.
TableAlias.setTableAlias(this.tables, this.ast);
let selectResults = this.select(this.ast);
selectResults = this.selectSet(selectResults, this.ast);
return selectResults;
* Modifies AST when FROM is a sub-query rather than a table name.
selectFromSubQuery() {
if (typeof this.ast.FROM !== 'undefined' && typeof this.ast.FROM.SELECT !== 'undefined') {
const data = new Sql()
if (typeof this.ast.FROM.table !== 'undefined') {
this.addTableData(this.ast.FROM.table, data);
if (this.ast.FROM.table === '') {
throw new Error("Every derived table must have its own alias");
this.ast.FROM.as = '';
* Checks if the JOINed table is a sub-query.
* The sub-query is evaluated and assigned the alias name.
* The AST is adjusted to use the new JOIN TABLE.
* @returns {void}
selectJoinSubQuery() {
if (typeof this.ast.JOIN === 'undefined')
for (const joinAst of this.ast.JOIN) {
if (typeof joinAst.table !== 'string') {
const data = new Sql()
if (typeof joinAst.as !== 'undefined') {
this.addTableData(joinAst.as, data);
if (joinAst.as === '') {
throw new Error("Every derived table must have its own alias");
joinAst.table = joinAst.as;
joinAst.as = '';
* Apply set rules to each select result.
* @param {any[][]} leftTableData
* @param {Object} unionAst
* @returns {any[][]}
selectSet(leftTableData, unionAst) {
if (! SqlSets.isSqlSet(unionAst)) {
return leftTableData;
// If the column titles are in the data, we need to remove and add back in later.
let columnTitles = [];
if (this.areColumnTitlesOutput() && leftTableData.length > 0) {
columnTitles = leftTableData.shift();
let ast = unionAst;
while (SqlSets.isSqlSet(ast)) {
const setType = SqlSets.getSetType(ast);
ast = ast[setType][0];
const rightTableData = this.select(ast);
leftTableData = SqlSets.applySet(setType, leftTableData, rightTableData);
if (columnTitles.length > 0) {
return leftTableData;
* Load SELECT data and return in double array.
* @param {Object} selectAst - Abstract Syntax Tree of SELECT
* @returns {any[][]} - double array useable by Google Sheet in custom function return value.
* * First row of data will be column name if column title output was requested.
* * First Array Index - ROW
* * Second Array Index - COLUMN
select(selectAst) {
let ast = selectAst;
// Manipulate AST to add GROUP BY if DISTINCT keyword.
ast = Sql.distinctField(ast);
// Manipulate AST add pivot fields.
ast = Pivot.pivotField(ast, this.tables, this.bindData);
const view = new SelectTables(ast, this.tables, this.bindData);
// JOIN tables to create a derived table.
view.join(ast); // skipcq: JS-D008
// Get the record ID's of all records matching WHERE condition.
const recordIDs = view.whereCondition(ast);
// Get selected data records.
let viewTableData = view.getViewData(recordIDs);
// Compress the data.
viewTableData = view.groupBy(ast, viewTableData);
// Sort our selected data.
view.orderBy(ast, viewTableData);
// Remove fields referenced but not included in SELECT field list.
// Limit rows returned.
viewTableData = SelectTables.limit(ast, viewTableData);
// Add column titles
viewTableData = this.addColumnTitles(viewTableData, view);
// Deal with empty dataset.
viewTableData = Sql.cleanUp(viewTableData);
return viewTableData;
* Add data for each referenced table in SELECT, before EXECUTE().
* @param {String} tableName - Name of table referenced in SELECT.
* @param {any} tableData - Either double array or a named range.
* @param {Number} cacheSeconds - How long should loaded data be cached (default=0)
* @param {Boolean} hasColumnTitle - Is first data row the column title?
* @returns {Sql}
addTableData(tableName, tableData, cacheSeconds = 0, hasColumnTitle = true) {
let tableInfo = null;
if (Array.isArray(tableData)) {
tableInfo = new Table(tableName)
else {
tableInfo = new Table(tableName)
.loadNamedRangeData(tableData, cacheSeconds);
this.tables.set(tableName.toUpperCase(), tableInfo);
return this;
* Copies the data from an external tableMap to this instance.
* It copies a reference to outside array data only.
* The schema would need to be re-loaded.
* @param {Map<String,Table>} tableMap
copyTableData(tableMap) {
// @ts-ignore
for (const tableName of tableMap.keys()) {
const tableInfo = tableMap.get(tableName);
this.addTableData(tableName, tableInfo.tableData);
return this;
* Include column headers in return data.
* @param {Boolean} value - true will return column names in first row of return data.
* @returns {Sql}
enableColumnTitle(value) {
this.columnTitle = value;
return this;
* Derived table data that requires the ALIAS table name in column title.
* @param {String} replacementTableName - derived table name to replace original table name. To disable, set to null.
* @returns {Sql}
replaceColumnTableNameWith(replacementTableName) {
this.columnTableNameReplacement = replacementTableName;
return this;
* Query if this instance of Sql() will generate column titles.
* @returns {Boolean}
areColumnTitlesOutput() {
return this.columnTitle;
* Add a bind data value. Must be added in order. If bind data is a named range, use addBindNamedRangeParameter().
* @param {any} value - literal data.
* @returns {Sql}
addBindParameter(value) {
return this;
* List of bind data added so far.
* @returns {any[]}
getBindData() {
return this.bindData.getBindDataList();
* The BIND data is a sheet named range that will be read and used for bind data.
* @param {String} value - Sheets Named Range for SINGLE CELL only.
* @returns {Sql}
addBindNamedRangeParameter(value) {
const namedValue = TableData.getValueCached(value, 30);
Logger.log(`BIND=${value} = ${namedValue}`);
return this;
* Set all bind data at once using array.
* @param {BindData} value - Bind data.
* @returns {Sql}
setBindValues(value) {
this.bindData = value;
return this;
* Clears existing BIND data so Sql() instance can be used again with new bind parameters.
* @returns {Sql}
clearBindParameters() {
return this;
* Updates 'tables' with table column information.
* @param {Map<String,Table>} tables
static loadSchema(tables) {
// @ts-ignore
for (const table of tables.keys()) {
const tableInfo = tables.get(table.toUpperCase());
* Sets all tables referenced SELECT.
* @param {Map<String,Table>} mapOfTables - Map of referenced tables indexed by TABLE name.
setTables(mapOfTables) {
this.tables = mapOfTables;
return this;
* Returns a map of all tables configured for this SELECT.
* @returns {Map<String,Table>} - Map of referenced tables indexed by TABLE name.
getTables() {
return this.tables;
* Basic sanity check of AST for a SELECT statement.
* @param {object} ast
static errorCheckSelectAST(ast) {
if (typeof ast.SELECT === 'undefined') {
throw new Error("Only SELECT statements are supported.");
if (typeof ast.FROM === 'undefined') {
throw new Error("Missing keyword FROM");
* If 'GROUP BY' is not set and 'DISTINCT' column is specified, update AST to add 'GROUP BY'.
* @param {Object} ast - Abstract Syntax Tree for SELECT.
* @returns {Object} - Updated AST to include GROUP BY when DISTINCT field used.
static distinctField(ast) {
const astFields = ast.SELECT;
if (astFields.length === 0)
return ast;
const firstField = astFields[0].name.toUpperCase();
if (firstField.startsWith("DISTINCT")) {
astFields[0].name = firstField.replace("DISTINCT", "").trim();
if (typeof ast['GROUP BY'] === 'undefined') {
const groupBy = [];
for (const astItem of astFields) {
groupBy.push({ name: astItem.name, as: '' });
ast["GROUP BY"] = groupBy;
return ast;
* Add column titles to data if needed.
* @param {any[][]} viewTableData
* @param {SelectTables} view
* @returns {any[][]}
addColumnTitles(viewTableData, view) {
if (this.columnTitle) {
return viewTableData;
* If no data and no titles, create empty double array so sheets function does not have an error.
* @param {any[][]} viewTableData
* @returns {any[][]}
static cleanUp(viewTableData) {
if (viewTableData.length === 0) {
if (viewTableData.length === 1 && viewTableData[0].length === 0) {
viewTableData[0] = [""];
return viewTableData;
* @classdesc Deals with the table ALIAS inside select AST.
class TableAlias {
* Updates 'tables' with associated table ALIAS name found in ast.
* @param {Map<String,Table>} tables
* @param {Object} ast
static setTableAlias(tables, ast) {
// @ts-ignore
for (const table of tables.keys()) {
const tableAlias = TableAlias.getTableAlias(table, ast);
const tableInfo = tables.get(table.toUpperCase());
* Find table alias name (if any) for input actual table name.
* @param {String} tableName - Actual table name.
* @param {Object} ast - Abstract Syntax Tree for SQL.
* @returns {String} - Table alias. Empty string if not found.
static getTableAlias(tableName, ast) {
let tableAlias = "";
const ucTableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
tableAlias = TableAlias.getTableAliasFromJoin(tableAlias, ucTableName, ast);
tableAlias = TableAlias.getTableAliasUnion(tableAlias, ucTableName, ast);
tableAlias = TableAlias.getTableAliasWhereIn(tableAlias, ucTableName, ast);
tableAlias = TableAlias.getTableAliasWhereTerms(tableAlias, ucTableName, ast);
return tableAlias;
* Searches the FROM and JOIN components of a SELECT to find the table alias.
* @param {String} tableAlias - Default alias name
* @param {String} tableName - table name to search for.
* @param {Object} ast - Abstract Syntax Tree to search
* @returns {String} - Table alias name.
static getTableAliasFromJoin(tableAlias, tableName, ast) {
const astTableBlocks = ['FROM', 'JOIN'];
let aliasNameFound = tableAlias;
let i = 0;
while (aliasNameFound === "" && i < astTableBlocks.length) {
aliasNameFound = TableAlias.locateAstTableAlias(tableName, ast, astTableBlocks[i]);
return aliasNameFound;
* Search a property of AST for table alias name.
* @param {String} tableName - Table name to find in AST.
* @param {Object} ast - AST of SELECT.
* @param {String} astBlock - AST property to search.
* @returns {String} - Alias name or "" if not found.
static locateAstTableAlias(tableName, ast, astBlock) {
if (typeof ast[astBlock] === 'undefined')
return "";
let block = [ast[astBlock]];
if (TableAlias.isIterable(ast[astBlock])) {
block = ast[astBlock];
for (const astItem of block) {
if (typeof astItem.table === 'string' && tableName === astItem.table.toUpperCase() && astItem.as !== "") {
return astItem.as;
return "";
* Check if input is iterable.
* @param {any} input - Check this object to see if it can be iterated.
* @returns {Boolean} - true - can be iterated. false - cannot be iterated.
static isIterable(input) {
if (input === null || input === undefined) {
return false
return typeof input[Symbol.iterator] === 'function'
* Searches the UNION portion of the SELECT to locate the table alias.
* @param {String} tableAlias - default table alias.
* @param {String} tableName - table name to search for.
* @param {Object} ast - Abstract Syntax Tree to search
* @returns {String} - table alias
static getTableAliasUnion(tableAlias, tableName, ast) {
const astRecursiveTableBlocks = ['UNION', 'UNION ALL', 'INTERSECT', 'EXCEPT'];
let extractedAlias = tableAlias;
let i = 0;
while (extractedAlias === "" && i < astRecursiveTableBlocks.length) {
if (typeof ast[astRecursiveTableBlocks[i]] !== 'undefined') {
for (const unionAst of ast[astRecursiveTableBlocks[i]]) {
extractedAlias = TableAlias.getTableAlias(tableName, unionAst);
if (extractedAlias !== "")
return extractedAlias;
* Search WHERE IN component of SELECT to find table alias.
* @param {String} tableAlias - default table alias
* @param {String} tableName - table name to search for
* @param {Object} ast - Abstract Syntax Tree to search
* @returns {String} - table alias
static getTableAliasWhereIn(tableAlias, tableName, ast) {
let extractedAlias = tableAlias;
if (tableAlias === "" && typeof ast.WHERE !== 'undefined' && ast.WHERE.operator === "IN") {
extractedAlias = TableAlias.getTableAlias(tableName, ast.WHERE.right);
if (extractedAlias === "" && ast.operator === "IN") {
extractedAlias = TableAlias.getTableAlias(tableName, ast.right);
return extractedAlias;
* Search WHERE terms of SELECT to find table alias.
* @param {String} tableAlias - default table alias
* @param {String} tableName - table name to search for.
* @param {Object} ast - Abstract Syntax Tree to search.
* @returns {String} - table alias
static getTableAliasWhereTerms(tableAlias, tableName, ast) {
let extractedTableAlias = tableAlias;
if (tableAlias === "" && typeof ast.WHERE !== 'undefined' && typeof ast.WHERE.terms !== 'undefined') {
for (const term of ast.WHERE.terms) {
if (extractedTableAlias === "")
extractedTableAlias = TableAlias.getTableAlias(tableName, term);
return extractedTableAlias;
* @classdesc Deals with extracting all TABLE names referenece inside SELECT.
class TableExtract {
* Create table definition array from select string.
* @param {String} statement - full sql select statement.
* @returns {String[][]} - table definition array.
static getReferencedTableNames(statement) {
const ast = SqlParse.sql2ast(statement);
return TableExtract.getReferencedTableNamesFromAst(ast);
* Create table definition array from select AST.
* @param {Object} ast - AST for SELECT.
* @returns {any[]} - table definition array.
* * [0] - table name.
* * [1] - sheet tab name
* * [2] - cache seconds
* * [3] - output column title flag
static getReferencedTableNamesFromAst(ast) {
const tableSet = new Map();
TableExtract.extractAstTables(ast, tableSet);
const tableList = [];
// @ts-ignore
for (const key of tableSet.keys()) {
return tableList;
* Search for all referenced tables in SELECT.
* @param {Object} ast - AST for SELECT.
* @param {Map<String,String>} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static extractAstTables(ast, tableSet) {
TableExtract.getTableNamesFrom(ast, tableSet);
TableExtract.getTableNamesJoin(ast, tableSet);
TableExtract.getTableNamesUnion(ast, tableSet);
TableExtract.getTableNamesWhereIn(ast, tableSet);
TableExtract.getTableNamesWhereTerms(ast, tableSet);
TableExtract.getTableNamesCorrelatedSelect(ast, tableSet);
* Search for referenced table in FROM or JOIN part of select.
* @param {Object} ast - AST for SELECT.
* @param {Map<String,String>} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static getTableNamesFrom(ast, tableSet) {
let fromAst = ast.FROM;
while (typeof fromAst !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof fromAst.isDerived === 'undefined') {
tableSet.set(fromAst.table.toUpperCase(), typeof fromAst.as === 'undefined' ? '' : fromAst.as.toUpperCase());
else {
TableExtract.extractAstTables(fromAst.FROM, tableSet);
TableExtract.getTableNamesUnion(fromAst, tableSet);
fromAst = fromAst.FROM;
* Search for referenced table in FROM or JOIN part of select.
* @param {Object} ast - AST for SELECT.
* @param {Map<String,String>} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static getTableNamesJoin(ast, tableSet) {
if (typeof ast.JOIN === 'undefined')
for (const astItem of ast.JOIN) {
if (typeof astItem.table === 'string') {
tableSet.set(astItem.table.toUpperCase(), typeof astItem.as === 'undefined' ? '' : astItem.as.toUpperCase());
else {
TableExtract.extractAstTables(astItem.table, tableSet);
* Searches for table names within SELECT (union, intersect, except) statements.
* @param {Object} ast - AST for SELECT
* @param {Map<String,String>} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static getTableNamesUnion(ast, tableSet) {
const astRecursiveTableBlocks = ['UNION', 'UNION ALL', 'INTERSECT', 'EXCEPT'];
for (const block of astRecursiveTableBlocks) {
if (typeof ast[block] !== 'undefined') {
for (const unionAst of ast[block]) {
this.extractAstTables(unionAst, tableSet);
* Searches for tables names within SELECT (in, exists) statements.
* @param {Object} ast - AST for SELECT
* @param {Map<String,String>} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static getTableNamesWhereIn(ast, tableSet) {
// where IN ().
const subQueryTerms = ["IN", "NOT IN", "EXISTS", "NOT EXISTS"]
if (typeof ast.WHERE !== 'undefined' && (subQueryTerms.indexOf(ast.WHERE.operator) !== -1)) {
this.extractAstTables(ast.WHERE.right, tableSet);
if (subQueryTerms.indexOf(ast.operator) !== -1) {
this.extractAstTables(ast.right, tableSet);
* Search WHERE to find referenced table names.
* @param {Object} ast - AST to search.
* @param {Map<String,String>} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static getTableNamesWhereTerms(ast, tableSet) {
if (typeof ast.WHERE !== 'undefined' && typeof ast.WHERE.terms !== 'undefined') {
for (const term of ast.WHERE.terms) {
this.extractAstTables(term, tableSet);
* Search for table references in the WHERE condition.
* @param {Object} ast - AST to search.
* @param {Map<String,String>} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static getTableNamesWhereCondition(ast, tableSet) {
const lParts = typeof ast.left === 'string' ? ast.left.split(".") : [];
if (lParts.length > 1) {
tableSet.set(lParts[0].toUpperCase(), "");
const rParts = typeof ast.right === 'string' ? ast.right.split(".") : [];
if (rParts.length > 1) {
tableSet.set(rParts[0].toUpperCase(), "");
if (typeof ast.terms !== 'undefined') {
for (const term of ast.terms) {
TableExtract.getTableNamesWhereCondition(term, tableSet);
* Search CORRELATES sub-query for table names.
* @param {*} ast - AST to search
* @param {*} tableSet - Function updates this map of table names and alias name.
static getTableNamesCorrelatedSelect(ast, tableSet) {
if (typeof ast.SELECT !== 'undefined') {
for (const term of ast.SELECT) {
if (typeof term.subQuery !== 'undefined' && term.subQuery !== null) {
this.extractAstTables(term.subQuery, tableSet);
* @classdesc Manipulation of AST to handle PIVOT statement.
class Pivot {
* Add new column to AST for every AGGREGATE function and unique pivot column data.
* @param {Object} ast - AST which is checked to see if a PIVOT is used.
* @param {Map<String,Table>} tables - Map of table info.
* @param {BindData} bindData - List of bind data.
* @returns {Object} - Updated AST containing SELECT FIELDS for the pivot data OR original AST if no pivot.
static pivotField(ast, tables, bindData) {
// If we are doing a PIVOT, it then requires a GROUP BY.
if (typeof ast.PIVOT !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof ast['GROUP BY'] === 'undefined')
throw new Error("PIVOT requires GROUP BY");
else {
return ast;
// These are all of the unique PIVOT field data points.
const pivotFieldData = Pivot.getUniquePivotData(ast, tables, bindData);
ast.SELECT = Pivot.addCalculatedPivotFieldsToAst(ast, pivotFieldData);
return ast;
* Find distinct pivot column data.
* @param {Object} ast - Abstract Syntax Tree containing the PIVOT option.
* @returns {any[][]} - All unique data points found in the PIVOT field for the given SELECT.
static getUniquePivotData(ast, tables, bindData) {
const pivotAST = {};
pivotAST.SELECT = ast.PIVOT;
pivotAST.SELECT[0].name = `DISTINCT ${pivotAST.SELECT[0].name}`;
pivotAST.FROM = ast.FROM;
pivotAST.WHERE = ast.WHERE;
const pivotSql = new Sql()
// These are all of the unique PIVOT field data points.
const tableData = pivotSql.execute(pivotAST);
return tableData;
* Add new calculated fields to the existing SELECT fields. A field is add for each combination of
* aggregate function and unqiue pivot data points. The CASE function is used for each new field.
* A test is made if the column data equal the pivot data. If it is, the aggregate function data
* is returned, otherwise null. The GROUP BY is later applied and the appropiate pivot data will
* be calculated.
* @param {Object} ast - AST to be updated.
* @param {any[][]} pivotFieldData - Table data with unique pivot field data points.
* @returns {Object} - Abstract Sytax Tree with new SELECT fields with a CASE for each pivot data and aggregate function.
static addCalculatedPivotFieldsToAst(ast, pivotFieldData) {
const newPivotAstFields = [];
for (const selectField of ast.SELECT) {
// If this is an aggregrate function, we will add one for every pivotFieldData item
const functionNameRegex = /^\w+\s*(?=\()/;
const matches = selectField.name.match(functionNameRegex)
if (matches !== null && matches.length > 0) {
const args = SelectTables.parseForFunctions(selectField.name, matches[0].trim());
for (const fld of pivotFieldData) {
const caseTxt = `${matches[0]}(CASE WHEN ${ast.PIVOT[0].name} = '${fld}' THEN ${args[1]} ELSE 'null' END)`;
const asField = `${fld[0]} ${typeof selectField.as !== 'undefined' && selectField.as !== "" ? selectField.as : selectField.name}`;
newPivotAstFields.push({ name: caseTxt, as: asField });
else {
return newPivotAstFields;
* @classdesc Deals with processing SET theory on SELECT table results.
class SqlSets {
* Get list of valid set types.
* @returns {String[]}
static getUnionTypes() {
* Determine what set type is applied to the select results.
* @param {Object} ast
* @returns {String}
static getSetType(ast) {
for (const type of SqlSets.getUnionTypes()) {
if (typeof ast[type] !== 'undefined') {
return type;
return "";
* Apply set theory to data.
* @param {String} type ("UNION", "UNION ALL", "INTERSECT", "EXCEPT")
* @param {any[][]} leftTableData
* @param {any[][]} rightTableData
* @returns {any[][]}
static applySet(type, leftTableData, rightTableData) {
if (leftTableData.length > 0 && rightTableData.length > 0 && leftTableData[0].length !== rightTableData[0].length) {
throw new Error(`Invalid ${type}. Selected field counts do not match.`);
switch (type) {
case "UNION":
leftTableData = leftTableData.concat(rightTableData);
leftTableData = SqlSets.removeDuplicateRows(leftTableData);
case "UNION ALL":
// Allow duplicates.
leftTableData = leftTableData.concat(rightTableData);
// Must exist in BOTH tables.
leftTableData = SqlSets.intersectRows(leftTableData, rightTableData);
case "EXCEPT":
// Remove from first table all rows that match in second table.
leftTableData = SqlSets.exceptRows(leftTableData, rightTableData);
throw new Error(`Internal error. Unsupported UNION type: ${type}`);
return leftTableData;
* @param {Object} ast
* @returns {Boolean}
static isSqlSet(ast) {
for (const type of SqlSets.getUnionTypes()) {
if (typeof ast[type] !== 'undefined') {
return true;
return false;
* Remove all duplicate table rows
* @param {any[][]} srcData
* @returns {any[][]}
static removeDuplicateRows(srcData) {
const newTableData = [];
const srcDataRecordKeys = new Map();
for (const row of srcData) {
const key = row.join("::");
if (!srcDataRecordKeys.has(key)) {
srcDataRecordKeys.set(key, true);
return newTableData;
* Finds the rows that are common between srcData and newData
* @param {any[][]} srcData - table data
* @param {any[][]} newData - table data
* @returns {any[][]} - returns only rows that intersect srcData and newData.
static intersectRows(srcData, newData) {
const srcMap = new Map();
const intersectTable = [];
for (const srcRow of srcData) {
srcMap.set(srcRow.join("::"), true);
for (const newRow of newData) {
if (srcMap.has(newRow.join("::"))) {
return intersectTable;
* Returns all rows in srcData MINUS any rows that match it from newData.
* @param {any[][]} srcData - starting table
* @param {any[][]} newData - minus table (if it matches srcData row)
* @returns {any[][]} - srcData MINUS newData
static exceptRows(srcData, newData) {
const srcMap = new Map();
let rowNum = 0;
for (const srcRow of srcData) {
srcMap.set(srcRow.join("::"), rowNum);
const removeRowNum = [];
for (const newRow of newData) {
const key = newRow.join("::");
if (srcMap.has(key)) {
removeRowNum.sort((a, b) => b - a);
for (rowNum of removeRowNum) {
srcData.splice(rowNum, 1);
return srcData;
* @classdesc
* Store and retrieve bind data for use in WHERE portion of SELECT statement.
class BindData {
constructor() {
* Reset the bind data.
clear() {
this.next = 1;
this.bindMap = new Map();
this.bindQueue = [];
* Add bind data
* @param {any} data - bind data
* @returns {String} - bind variable name for reference in SQL. e.g. first data point would return '?1'.
add(data) {
const key = `?${this.next.toString()}`;
this.bindMap.set(key, data);
return key;
* Add a list of bind data points.
* @param {any[]} bindList
addList(bindList) {
for (const data of bindList) {
* Pull out a bind data entry.
* @param {String} name - Get by name or get NEXT if empty.
* @returns {any}
get(name = "") {
return name === '' ? this.bindQueue.shift() : this.bindMap.get(name);
* Return the ordered list of bind data.
* @returns {any[]} - Current list of bind data.
getBindDataList() {
return this.bindQueue;