// *** DEBUG START ***
// Remove comments for testing in NODE
import { Sql, GasSql, gsSQL } from './Sql.js';
import { Table } from './Table.js';
import { TableData } from './TableData.js';
import { Logger, Utilities } from '../GasMocks.js';
import { Select2Object } from './Select2Object.js';
import { SelectTables } from './Views.js';
export { Range };
export { SqlTester };
export { TestSql };
export { SpreadsheetApp };
// GAS Mock Ups.
class SpreadsheetApp {
static getActiveSpreadsheet() {
return new SpreadsheetApp();
getRangeByName(tableNamedRange) {
const dataRange = new Range(tableNamedRange);
return dataRange.getMockData() === null ? null : dataRange;
getSheetByName(sheetTabName) {
let sheetObj = new Sheet(sheetTabName);
if (sheetObj.getSheetValues(1, 1, 1, 1) === null)
return null;
return sheetObj;
static getUi() {
return new Ui();
class Ui {
createMenu(name) {
return this;
addItem(dest, func) {
return this;
addToUi() {
return this;
class Sheet {
constructor(sheetName) {
this.sheetName = sheetName;
getLastColumn() {
let data = this.getSheetValues(-1, -1, -1, -1);
if (data !== null && data.length > 0)
return data[0].length;
return -1
getLastRow() {
let data = this.getSheetValues(-1, -1, -1, -1);
if (data !== null && data.length > 0)
return data.length;
return -1;
getSheetValues(startRow, startCol, lastRow, lastColumn) {
let tester = new SqlTester();
switch (this.sheetName.toUpperCase()) {
return tester.masterTransactionsTable();
return null;
getRange(row, col, numRows, numCols) {
return new Range();
class Range {
constructor(tableNameRange = "") {
this.tableNameRange = tableNameRange;
getValues() {
return this.getMockData();
getValue() {
return this.getMockData()
clearContent() {
return this;
clearFormat() {
return this;
clear() {
return this;
setValues(values) {
return this;
setFontWeight(font) {
return this;
setFormula(formula) {
return this;
setBackground(background) {
return this;
setFormulas(formulas) {
return this;
// Set data to be returned for any named range tested.
getMockData() {
let tester = new SqlTester();
switch (this.tableNameRange.toUpperCase()) {
return '6/7/2019';
return '6/20/2019';
return tester.masterTransactionsTable();
return tester.bookTable();
return null;
// *** DEBUG END ***/
* Runs all tests and reports back the result of the tests.
* @customfunction
function SQLselfTest() {
const success = testerSql() ? "Success" : "Failed";
return [[success]];
function SqlLiveDataTest() {
let tester = new SqlTester();
* Function should be commented out when NOT running in a TEST SHEET.
* It will create a menu option that allows you to create a gsSQL()
* statement for every test SQL in TestSQL().
function onOpen() {
if (SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("gsSqlTest") === null) {
// Only create menu option on test sheet.
return true;
// This line calls the SpreadsheetApp and gets its UI
// Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
//These lines create the menu items and
// tie them to functions we will write in Apps Script
ui.createMenu('gsSQL Options')
.addItem('Generate Tests on TDD SHEET !!!', 'customMenuGenerateTests')
* @type {TestedStatements[]}
let sqlTestCases = [];
* Expected to be run as a menu item.
* Runs all internal tests, collects the SQL from each test and generates
* a =gsSQL() string and writes it to the current active screen.
* Each customfunction is written in column A, starting two rows below the
* last row in the current sheet. Room is left after the expected results
* and the subsequent gsSQL() will be updated 3 rows after.
function customMenuGenerateTests() {
sqlTestCases = []; // Reset collected test case array.
* Needed by Google Sheets Testing app.
* @param {String} functionName
* @param {any[][]} array1
* @param {any[][]} array2
* @returns {String[][]}
* @customfunction
function isEqual(functionName, array1, array2) {
const test = new SqlTester();
const status = test.isEqual(functionName, array1, array2) ? "Equal" : "Not Equal";
const results = [];
return results;
class TestedStatements {
* @param {String} statement
* @param {any[]} bindVariables
* @param {any[][]} data
* @param {Map<String,Table>} tables
* @param {Boolean} generateColumnTitles
constructor(statement, bindVariables, data, tables, generateColumnTitles) {
this.statement = statement;
this.bindVariables = bindVariables;
this.expectedOutputlines = data.length;
this.data = data;
this.tables = tables;
this.generateColumnTitles = generateColumnTitles;
this.generateTableDefinition = false;
// @ts-ignore
for (let tableInfo of this.tables.values()) {
if (!tableInfo.hasColumnTitle)
this.generateTableDefinition = true;
* @returns {String}
getTableDefinitionString() {
let definition = "{";
let tabDef = "";
// @ts-ignore
for (let table of this.tables.values()) {
let rangeName = table.tableName;
if (table.tableData.length > 0) {
const tableUtil = new Table("");
rangeName += "!A2:" + tableUtil.numberToSheetColumnLetter(table.tableData[0].length)
if (tabDef !== "") {
tabDef += ";";
tabDef += "{";
tabDef += '"' + table.tableName + '",';
tabDef += '"' + rangeName + '",';
tabDef += "60, " + table.hasColumnTitle.toString();
tabDef += "}";
definition += tabDef + "}";
return definition;
class TestSql extends Sql {
constructor() {
* @param {String} stmt
* @returns {any[][]}
execute(stmt) {
let bindings = [...super.getBindData()];
let tables = super.getTables();
let generateColumnTitles = super.areColumnTitlesOutput();
const data = super.execute(stmt);
let test = new TestedStatements(stmt, bindings, data, tables, generateColumnTitles);
return data;
static generateTestCustomFunctions() {
let sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("TDD");
if (sheet === null) {
Logger.log("Invalid SHEET. 'TDD' not found.");
// Clear out old tests.
sheet.getRange(SHEET_HEADER_ROWS, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()).clearContent().clearFormat().clear();
const rowsForSummary = Math.ceil(sqlTestCases.length / SUMMARY_ITEMS_PER_ROW) * 3;
const summaryTestResults = [];
let summaryTestResultRow = [];
let blankRow = [];
let testCount = 1;
let lastRow = sheet.getLastRow() + 3 + rowsForSummary;
for (const testCase of sqlTestCases) {
let descriptionRange = sheet.getRange(lastRow - 1, 1, 1, 2);
let testNumber = "Test #" + testCount;
let descriptionRow = [[testNumber, testCase.statement]];
let formula = TestSql.makeCustomFormulaString(testCase);
let formulaRange = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 1);
// Write out expected results.
if (testCase.data.length > 0) {
let expectedRange = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 3 + testCase.data[0].length, testCase.data.length, testCase.data[0].length);
// expectedRange.setNumberFormat("@");
let resultsRange = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 1, testCase.data.length, testCase.data[0].length);
let resultFormula = TestSql.makeTestResultFormulaString(testCount, resultsRange, expectedRange);
if (summaryTestResultRow.length >= SUMMARY_ITEMS_PER_ROW) {
summaryTestResultRow = [];
blankRow = [];
lastRow = lastRow + testCase.expectedOutputlines + 3;
if (summaryTestResultRow.length > 0) {
while (summaryTestResultRow.length < SUMMARY_ITEMS_PER_ROW) {
if (summaryTestResults.length > 0) {
Logger.log(`Items=${summaryTestResults.length}. Cols=${summaryTestResults[0].length}`);
let summaryRange = sheet.getRange(SHEET_HEADER_ROWS, 1, summaryTestResults.length, summaryTestResults[0].length);
* @param {TestedStatements} testCase
* @returns {String}
static makeCustomFormulaString(testCase) {
let tableDefinitionString = "";
if (testCase.generateTableDefinition) {
tableDefinitionString = testCase.getTableDefinitionString();
let formula = '=gsSQL("' + testCase.statement + '"';
if (testCase.bindVariables.length > 0 || !testCase.generateColumnTitles) {
formula += "," + tableDefinitionString + ", " + testCase.generateColumnTitles.toString();
for (const bindData of testCase.bindVariables) {
formula += ", ";
if (typeof bindData === 'string') {
formula += '"' + bindData + '"';
else if (bindData instanceof Date) {
formula += '"' + Utilities.formatDate(bindData, "GMT+1", "MM/dd/yyyy") + '"';
else {
formula += bindData;
else if (tableDefinitionString !== "") {
formula += "," + tableDefinitionString + ", true";
formula += ')';
return formula;
static makeTestResultFormulaString(testNumber, rangeResults, rangeExpected) {
let formula = '=isEqual("Test #' + testNumber.toString() + '"';
formula += "," + rangeResults.getA1Notation();
formula += "," + rangeExpected.getA1Notation();
formula += ")";
return formula;
class SqlTester {
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/cdemmings/Projects/Sheets/CanadianRetirementPlanner/SQL/csv/books.csv'
/* CREATE TABLE books (id CHAR(6), title VARCHAR(200),
type VARCHAR(20), author_id CHAR(6), editor_id CHAR(6), translator_id CHAR(6));
bookTable(extraRecords = 0) {
let recs = [
["id", "title", "type", "author id", "editor id", "translator id"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "original", "11", "21", ""],
["2", "Your Trip", "translated", "15", "22", "32"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "original", "14", "24", ""],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "11", "24", ""],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "12", "25", "31"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "15", "22", "33"],
["7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34"],
["8", "My Last Book", "original", "11", "28", ""]
for (let i = 0; i < extraRecords; i++) {
let newRecord = [];
newRecord.push((10 + i).toString());
newRecord.push("Great Boook volume " + (1 + i).toString());
newRecord.push(i % 2 === 0 ? "original" : "translated");
newRecord.push((11 + i).toString());
newRecord.push((12 + i).toString());
newRecord.push((13 + i).toString());
return recs;
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/cdemmings/Projects/Sheets/CanadianRetirementPlanner/SQL/csv/booksales.csv'
INTO TABLE booksales
/* CREATE TABLE booksales (invoice CHAR(6), book_id CHAR(6),
customer_id CHAR(6), quantity integer, price double, date date);
bookSalesTable(extraRecords = 0) {
let recs = [
["Invoice", "Book Id", "Customer ID", "Quantity", "Price", "Date"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"]
for (let i = 0; i < extraRecords; i++) {
let newRecord = [];
newRecord.push("I" + (707 + i).toString());
newRecord.push((10 + i).toString());
newRecord.push("C" + (5 + i).toString());
newRecord.push(i % 100);
newRecord.push(i % 100 + 1 / (i % 99 === 0 ? 99 : i % 99));
newRecord.push((1 + i % 12).toString() + "/" + (i % 28).toString() + "/" + (2022 + i % 50).toString());
return recs;
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/cdemmings/Projects/Sheets/CanadianRetirementPlanner/SQL/csv/bookreturns.csv'
INTO TABLE bookreturns
/* CREATE TABLE bookreturns (rma CHAR(7), book_id CHAR(6),
customer_id CHAR(6), quantity integer, price double, date date);
bookReturnsTable() {
return [
["RMA", "Book Id", "Customer ID", "Quantity", "Price", "Date"],
["Rma001", "9", "c1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["rma020", "8", "c2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["rmA030", "7", "c2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["RMA040", "9", "c3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["rma005", "1", "c1", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["RMA600", "2", "c4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["Rma701", "3", "c4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["RmA800", "4", "c4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["RMA900", "7", "c1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["rma1010", "7", "c2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"]
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/cdemmings/Projects/Sheets/CanadianRetirementPlanner/SQL/csv/customers.csv'
INTO TABLE customers
/* CREATE TABLE customers (id CHAR(6), name VARCHAR(100),
address VARCHAR(200), city VARCHAR(50), phone CHAR(20), email VARCHAR(200));
customerTable() {
return [
["ID", "Name", "Address", "City", "Phone", "eMail"],
["C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com"],
["C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com"],
["C3", "Tres Buon Goods", "3 Way St", "Tres City", "5193133303", "thrice@hotmail.com"],
["C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com"],
["C5", "Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger", "5 ohFive St.", "FifthDom", "4165551234", " fiver@gmail.com"],
["C6", "Sx in Cars", "6 Seventh St", "Sx City", "6661116666", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com "],
["C7", "7th Heaven", "7 Eight Crt.", "Lucky City", "5551117777", " timesAcharm@gmail.com "]
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/cdemmings/Projects/Sheets/CanadianRetirementPlanner/SQL/csv/authors.csv'
INTO TABLE authors
/* CREATE TABLE authors (id CHAR(6), first_name VARCHAR(100),
last_name VARCHAR(200));
authorsTable() {
return [
["id", "first_name", "last_name"],
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"]
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/cdemmings/Projects/Sheets/CanadianRetirementPlanner/SQL/csv/editors.csv'
INTO TABLE editors
/* CREATE TABLE editors (id CHAR(6), first_name VARCHAR(100),
last_name VARCHAR(200));
editorsTable() {
return [
["id", "first name", "last name"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["21", "Daniel", "Brown"],
["22", "Mark", "Johnson"],
["23", "Maria", "Evans"],
["24", "Cathrine", "Roberts"],
["25", "Sebastian", "Wright"],
["26", "Barbara", "Jones"],
["27", "Matthew", "Smith"],
["50", "Jack", "Dumb"],
["51", "Daniel", "Smart"]
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/cdemmings/Projects/Sheets/CanadianRetirementPlanner/SQL/csv/translators.csv'
INTO TABLE translators
/* CREATE TABLE translators (id CHAR(6), first_name VARCHAR(100),
last_name VARCHAR(200));
translatorsTable() {
return [
["id", "first_name", "last_name"],
["31", "Ira", "Davies"],
["32", "Ling", "Weng"],
["33", "Kristian", "Green"],
["34", "Roman", "Edwards"]
masterTransactionsTable() {
return [
["Name of Institution", "Transaction Date", "Description 1", "Description 2", "Amount", "Expense Category", "Account", "Gross", "Balance"],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/7/2019"), "Interac purchase - 3707 NADIM'S NO FRIL", "", -47.85, "Food & Dining - Groceries", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/7/2019"), "Interac purchase - 2357 FRESHCO 3826", "", -130.36, "Food & Dining - Groceries", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/7/2019"), "Payroll Deposit WEST UNIFIED CO", "", 2343.48, "Income - Paycheck", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/7/2019"), "MBNA-MASTERCARD", "", -500, "Transfer - CC", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/7/2019"), "e-Transfer sent S.E", "", -575, "Utilities - Rent", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/11/2019"), "Insurance ADMIN.BY GWL", "", 122.4, "Health & Fitness - Health Insurance", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/13/2019"), "Misc Payment GOODLIFE CLUBS", "", -24.85, "Health & Fitness - Gym", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/13/2019"), "WHITBY TAXES", "", -100, "Taxes - Property Tax", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/13/2019"), "Online Transfer to Deposit Account-***9", "", -15, "Transfer - Savings acct", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/14/2019"), "Interac purchase - 8727 NADIM'S NO FRIL", "", -86.73, "Food & Dining - Groceries", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/14/2019"), "Insurance ADMIN.BY GWL", "", 300, "Health & Fitness - Dentist", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/17/2019"), "Interac purchase - 0238 BAMIYAN KABOB", "", -12.98, "Food & Dining - Restaurants", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/17/2019"), "Interac purchase - 1236 NADIM'S NO FRIL", "", -33.32, "Food & Dining - Groceries", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/17/2019"), "Deposit ONLINE TRANSFER", "", 12000, "Transfer - Savings acct", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/18/2019"), "MBNA-MASTERCARD", "", -1100, "Transfer - CC", "", "", ""],
["MBNA Mastercard", new Date("6/19/2019"), "PAYMENT", "", 1100, "Transfer - Savings acct", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/19/2019"), "Utility Bill Pmt Enbridge Gas", "", -108, "Utilities - Heating (Gas)", "", "", ""],
["MBNA Mastercard", new Date("6/20/2019"), "JOE'S NO FRILLS 3141 WHITBY ON", "", -41.77, "Food & Dining - Groceries", "", "", ""],
["MBNA Mastercard", new Date("6/20/2019"), "PIONEER STN#200 WHITBY ON", "", -28.17, "Auto - Fuel", "", "", ""],
["MBNA Mastercard", new Date("6/20/2019"), "AVIVA GENERAL INSURANC MARKHAM ON", "", -137.93, "Utilities - Insurance", "", "", ""],
["MBNA Mastercard", new Date("6/20/2019"), "AVIVA GENERAL INSURANC MARKHAM ON", "", -307.73, "Auto - Insurance", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/20/2019"), "Misc Payment Archdiocese TO", "", -22, "Gifts & Donations - Donations", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/20/2019"), "ELEXICON-WHITBY", "", -95, "Utilities - Electricity", "", "", ""],
["Royal Bank of Canada", new Date("6/20/2019"), "WHITBY TAXES", "", -100, "Taxes - Property Tax", "", "", ""]
yearlySalesTable() {
return [
["Name", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
["Chris", 50, "", "", "", 60, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
["Fred", "", "", "", "", "", "", 20, 30, "", "", "", ""],
["Dan", "", "", "", "", "", 10, 20, 31, "", "", "", ""],
["Kev", "", 10, 20, "", 60, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
["Dori", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 50],
["Gab", 50, "", "", "", 60, "", "", 10, "20", "", "", ""]
selectAll1() {
return this.selectAllAuthors("selectAll1", "select * from authors");
selectAllCase1() {
return this.selectAllAuthors("selectAllCase1", "Select * from authors");
selectIsNotNull1() {
return this.selectAllAuthors("selectIsNotNull1", "select * from authors where id is not null");
selectAllAuthors(functionName, stmt) {
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"]];
return this.isEqual(functionName, data, expected);
selectAllAuthorsToObject(functionName) {
let stmt = "select * from authors";
let data = new Select2Object()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [{ "id": "11", "first_name": "Ellen", "last_name": "Writer" },
{ "id": "12", "first_name": "Olga", "last_name": "Savelieva" },
{ "id": "13", "first_name": "Jack", "last_name": "Smart" },
{ "id": "14", "first_name": "Donald", "last_name": "Brain" },
{ "id": "15", "first_name": "Yao", "last_name": "Dou" }];
return this.isEqual("selectAllAuthorsToObject", data, expected);
selectAnAuthorsToObject(functionName) {
let stmt = "select * from authors where first_name = ?1";
let data = new Select2Object()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [{"id":"13","first_name":"Jack","last_name":"Smart"}];
return this.isEqual("selectAnAuthorsToObject", data, expected);
selectIsNull1() {
let stmt = "select * from authors where id is null";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
return this.isEqual("selectIsNull1", data, expected);
innerJoin1a() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, authors.first_name, authors.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"INNER JOIN authors " +
"ON books.author_id = authors.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
return this.innerJoin1(stmt, "innerJoin1a");
innerJoin1case() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, authors.first_name, authors.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"Inner Join authors " +
"ON books.author_id = authors.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
return this.innerJoin1(stmt, "innerJoin1case");
innerJoin1(stmt, funcName) {
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "authors.first_name", "authors.last_name"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Yao", "Dou"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Donald", "Brain"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["5", "Oranges", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "Yao", "Dou"],
["7", "Applied AI", "Jack", "Smart"],
["8", "My Last Book", "Ellen", "Writer"]];
return this.isEqual(funcName, data, expected);
innerJoin2() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.type, authors.last_name, " +
"translators.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"INNER JOIN authors " +
"ON books.author_id = authors.id " +
"INNER JOIN translators " +
"ON books.translator_id = translators.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "books.type", "authors.last_name", "translators.last_name"],
["2", "Your Trip", "translated", "Dou", "Weng"],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "Savelieva", "Davies"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "Dou", "Green"],
["7", "Applied AI", "translated", "Smart", "Edwards"]];
return this.isEqual("innerJoin2", data, expected);
innerJoin2ToObject() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.type, authors.last_name, " +
"translators.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"INNER JOIN authors " +
"ON books.author_id = authors.id " +
"INNER JOIN translators " +
"ON books.translator_id = translators.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new Select2Object()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [{"books.id":"2","books.title":"Your Trip","books.type":"translated","authors.last_name":"Dou","translators.last_name":"Weng"},
{"books.id":"6","books.title":"Your Happy Life","books.type":"translated","authors.last_name":"Dou","translators.last_name":"Green"},
{"books.id":"7","books.title":"Applied AI","books.type":"translated","authors.last_name":"Smart","translators.last_name":"Edwards"}];
let test1 = this.isEqual("innerJoin2ToObject(a)", data, expected);
data = data.filter(v => v["authors.last_name"] === "Smart");
expected = [{"books.id":"7","books.title":"Applied AI","books.type":"translated","authors.last_name":"Smart","translators.last_name":"Edwards"}];
let test2 = this.isEqual("innerJoin2ToObject(b)", data, expected);;
return test1 && test2;
innerJoinAlias1() {
let stmt = "SELECT b.id, b.title, a.first_name, a.last_name " +
"FROM books as b " +
"INNER JOIN authors as a " +
"ON b.author_id = a.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["b.id", "b.title", "a.first_name", "a.last_name"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Yao", "Dou"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Donald", "Brain"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["5", "Oranges", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "Yao", "Dou"],
["7", "Applied AI", "Jack", "Smart"],
["8", "My Last Book", "Ellen", "Writer"]];
return this.isEqual("innerJoinAlias1", data, expected);
innerJoinAlias2() {
let stmt = "SELECT b.id, b.title, a.first_name, a.last_name " +
"FROM books as b " +
"INNER JOIN authors as a " +
"ON b.author_id = a.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let data = testSQL.execute(stmt);
let expected = [["b.id", "b.title", "a.first_name", "a.last_name"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Yao", "Dou"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Donald", "Brain"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["5", "Oranges", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "Yao", "Dou"],
["7", "Applied AI", "Jack", "Smart"],
["8", "My Last Book", "Ellen", "Writer"]];
this.isEqual("innerJoinAlias2a", data, expected);
stmt = "SELECT b1.id, b1.title, a2.first_name, a2.last_name " +
"FROM books as b1 " +
"INNER JOIN authors as a2 " +
"ON b1.author_id = a2.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
data = testSQL.execute(stmt);
expected = [["b1.id", "b1.title", "a2.first_name", "a2.last_name"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Yao", "Dou"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Donald", "Brain"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["5", "Oranges", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "Yao", "Dou"],
["7", "Applied AI", "Jack", "Smart"],
["8", "My Last Book", "Ellen", "Writer"]];
return this.isEqual("innerJoinAlias2b", data, expected);
join2a() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.type, translators.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"JOIN translators " +
"ON books.translator_id = translators.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
return this.join2(stmt, "join2a");
join2b() {
let stmt = "sElEcT books.id, books.title, books.type, translators.last_name " +
"froM books " +
"Join translators " +
"On books.translator_id = translators.id " +
"ORDEr By books.id";
return this.join2(stmt, "join2b");
join2(stmt, funcName) {
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "books.type", "translators.last_name"],
["2", "Your Trip", "translated", "Weng"],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "Davies"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "Green"],
["7", "Applied AI", "translated", "Edwards"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "Edwards"]];
return this.isEqual(funcName, data, expected);
join3() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, editors.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"LEFT JOIN editors " +
"ON books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "editors.last_name"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Brown"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Johnson"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Roberts"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Roberts"],
["5", "Oranges", "Wright"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "Johnson"],
["7", "Applied AI", "Evans"],
["8", "My Last Book", null],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "Evans"]];
return this.isEqual("join3", data, expected);
joinLimit1() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, editors.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"LEFT JOIN editors " +
"ON books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id " +
"LIMIT 5";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "editors.last_name"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Brown"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Johnson"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Roberts"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Roberts"],
["5", "Oranges", "Wright"]];
return this.isEqual("joinLimit1", data, expected);
leftJoin1() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.type, authors.last_name, " +
"translators.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"LEFT JOIN authors " +
"ON books.author_id = authors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN translators " +
"ON books.translator_id = translators.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "books.type", "authors.last_name", "translators.last_name"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "original", "Writer", null],
["2", "Your Trip", "translated", "Dou", "Weng"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "original", "Brain", null],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "Writer", null],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "Savelieva", "Davies"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "Dou", "Green"],
["7", "Applied AI", "translated", "Smart", "Edwards"],
["8", "My Last Book", "original", "Writer", null],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", null, "Edwards"]];
return this.isEqual("leftJoin1", data, expected);
rightJoin1() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, editors.last_name, editors.id " +
"FROM books " +
"RIGHT JOIN editors " +
"ON books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "editors.last_name", "editors.id"],
[null, null, "Smart", "13"],
[null, null, "Jones", "26"],
[null, null, "Smith", "27"],
[null, null, "Dumb", "50"],
[null, null, "Smart", "51"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Brown", "21"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Johnson", "22"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Roberts", "24"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Roberts", "24"],
["5", "Oranges", "Wright", "25"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "Johnson", "22"],
["7", "Applied AI", "Evans", "23"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "Evans", "23"]];
return this.isEqual("rightJoin1", data, expected);
rightJoin1a() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, editors.last_name, editors.id " +
"FROM books " +
"right join editors on editors.id = books.editor_id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "editors.last_name", "editors.id"],
[null, null, "Smart", "13"],
[null, null, "Jones", "26"],
[null, null, "Smith", "27"],
[null, null, "Dumb", "50"],
[null, null, "Smart", "51"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "Brown", "21"],
["2", "Your Trip", "Johnson", "22"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "Roberts", "24"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "Roberts", "24"],
["5", "Oranges", "Wright", "25"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "Johnson", "22"],
["7", "Applied AI", "Evans", "23"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "Evans", "23"]];
return this.isEqual("rightJoin1a", data, expected);
rightJoin2() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.translator_id, " +
"editors.last_name, editors.id, " +
"translators.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"RIGHT JOIN editors " +
"ON books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"RIGHT JOIN translators " +
"ON books.translator_id = translators.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "books.translator_id", "editors.last_name", "editors.id", "translators.last_name"],
["2", "Your Trip", "32", "Johnson", "22", "Weng"],
["5", "Oranges", "31", "Wright", "25", "Davies"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "33", "Johnson", "22", "Green"],
["7", "Applied AI", "34", "Evans", "23", "Edwards"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "34", "Evans", "23", "Edwards"]];
return this.isEqual("rightJoin2", data, expected);
fullJoin1() {
let stmt = "SELECT authors.id, authors.last_name, editors.id, editors.last_name " +
"FROM authors " +
"FULL JOIN editors " +
"ON authors.id = editors.id ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["authors.id", "authors.last_name", "editors.id", "editors.last_name"],
["11", "Writer", null, null],
["12", "Savelieva", null, null],
["13", "Smart", "13", "Smart"],
["14", "Brain", null, null],
["15", "Dou", null, null],
[null, null, "21", "Brown"],
[null, null, "22", "Johnson"],
[null, null, "23", "Evans"],
[null, null, "24", "Roberts"],
[null, null, "25", "Wright"],
[null, null, "26", "Jones"],
[null, null, "27", "Smith"],
[null, null, "50", "Dumb"],
[null, null, "51", "Smart"]];
return this.isEqual("fullJoin1", data, expected);
// FULL JOIN not supported in mySQL - so no comparison is possible.
fullJoin2() {
let stmt = "SELECT *, customers.address, customers.id, customers.name " +
"FROM booksales " +
"FULL JOIN customers " +
"ON customer_id = customers.id ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022", "C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com", "101 One Way", "C1", "Numereo Uno"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com", "202 Second St.", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com", "202 Second St.", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "C3", "Tres Buon Goods", "3 Way St", "Tres City", "5193133303", "thrice@hotmail.com", "3 Way St", "C3", "Tres Buon Goods"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "40 Four St", "C4", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "40 Four St", "C4", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "40 Four St", "C4", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", "C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com", "101 One Way", "C1", "Numereo Uno"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com", "202 Second St.", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays"],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "C5", "Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger", "5 ohFive St.", "FifthDom", "4165551234", " fiver@gmail.com", "5 ohFive St.", "C5", "Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger"],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "C6", "Sx in Cars", "6 Seventh St", "Sx City", "6661116666", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com ", "6 Seventh St", "C6", "Sx in Cars"],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "C7", "7th Heaven", "7 Eight Crt.", "Lucky City", "5551117777", " timesAcharm@gmail.com ", "7 Eight Crt.", "C7", "7th Heaven"]];
return this.isEqual("fullJoin2", data, expected);
fullJoin3() {
let stmt = "SELECT * " +
"FROM booksales " +
"FULL JOIN customers " +
"ON booksales.customer_id = customers.id " +
"FULL JOIN books " +
"ON booksales.Book_Id = books.id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022", "C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com", "9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com", "8", "My Last Book", "original", "11", "28", ""],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com", "7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "C3", "Tres Buon Goods", "3 Way St", "Tres City", "5193133303", "thrice@hotmail.com", "9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022", null, null, null, null, null, null, "1", "Time to Grow Up!", "original", "11", "21", ""],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "2", "Your Trip", "translated", "15", "22", "32"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "3", "Lovely Love", "original", "14", "24", ""],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "11", "24", ""],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", "C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com", "7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com", "7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34"],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "C5", "Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger", "5 ohFive St.", "FifthDom", "4165551234", " fiver@gmail.com", null, null, null, null, null, null],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "C6", "Sx in Cars", "6 Seventh St", "Sx City", "6661116666", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com ", null, null, null, null, null, null],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, "C7", "7th Heaven", "7 Eight Crt.", "Lucky City", "5551117777", " timesAcharm@gmail.com ", null, null, null, null, null, null],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "5", "Oranges", "translated", "12", "25", "31"],
[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "15", "22", "33"]];
return this.isEqual("fullJoin3", data, expected);
whereIn1() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.author_id " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE books.author_id IN (SELECT id from authors)" +
"ORDER BY books.title";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "books.author_id"],
["7", "Applied AI", "13"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "11"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "14"],
["8", "My Last Book", "11"],
["5", "Oranges", "12"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "11"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "15"],
["2", "Your Trip", "15"]];
return this.isEqual("whereIn1", data, expected);
whereIn2() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.author_id " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE books.author_id IN ('11','12') " +
"ORDER BY books.title";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "books.author_id"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "11"],
["8", "My Last Book", "11"],
["5", "Oranges", "12"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "11"]];
return this.isEqual("whereIn2", data, expected);
whereIn3() {
let stmt = "SELECT id, title, author_id " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE author_id IN (select id from authors where first_name like '%ald') " +
"ORDER BY title";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["id", "title", "author_id"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "14"]];
return this.isEqual("whereIn3", data, expected);
whereIn4() {
let stmt = "SELECT * " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE author_id IN (select id from authors where first_name = ?1) " +
"or editor_id in (select id from editors where last_name = ?2) " +
"or title = ?3 " +
"ORDER BY title";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
["4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "11", "24", ""],
["3", "Lovely Love", "original", "14", "24", ""],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "12", "25", "31"]];
return this.isEqual("whereIn4", data, expected);
whereIn5() {
let stmt = "SELECT * " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE author_id IN (select a.id from authors as a where first_name = ?1) " +
"or editor_id in (select e.id from editors as e where last_name = ?2) " +
"or title = ?3 " +
"ORDER BY title";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
["4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "11", "24", ""],
["3", "Lovely Love", "original", "14", "24", ""],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "12", "25", "31"]];
return this.isEqual("whereIn5", data, expected);
whereIn6() {
let stmt = "SELECT * " +
"FROM editors " +
"WHERE first_name IN (' Mark ', 'Maria ', 'CATHRINE ', ' jacK') ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
["22", "Mark", "Johnson"],
["23", "Maria", "Evans"]];
return this.isEqual("whereIn6", data, expected);
whereIn7() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales where quantity in (select quantity from booksales where price < 30)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("whereIn7", data, expected);
whereNotIn1() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.author_id " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE books.author_id NOT IN (SELECT id from authors)" +
"ORDER BY books.title";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["books.id", "books.title", "books.author_id"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "1"]];
return this.isEqual("whereNotIn1", data, expected);
whereNotIn2() {
let stmt = "SELECT * FROM editors WHERE first_name NOT IN ('Jack', 'Daniel', 'Mark')";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
return this.isEqual("whereNotIn2", data, expected);
whereNotIn3() {
let stmt = "SELECT * FROM editors WHERE first_name NOT IN ('JacK')";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
// Depending on how your SQL is configured, the comparison is either
// case or case insensitive. For gsSQL() it is case senstive.
return this.isEqual("whereNotIn3", data, expected);
whereNotIn4() {
let stmt = "SELECT * FROM editors WHERE first_name NOT IN ('Jack')";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
return this.isEqual("whereNotIn4", data, expected);
whereAndOr1() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date > '05/01/2022' AND date < '05/04/2022' OR book_id = '9'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("whereAndOr1", data, expected);
whereAndOr2() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date > ?1 AND date < ?2 OR book_id = ?3";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("whereAndOr2", data, expected);
whereAndOr3() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date > ?1 AND date < ?2 OR book_id = ?3";
let startDate = new Date();
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("whereAndOr3", data, expected);
whereAndNotEqual2() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date >= ?1 AND date <= ?2 And book_id <> ?3";
let func = "whereAndNotEqual2";
return this.whereAndNotEqual2base(stmt, func);
whereAndNotEqual3() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date>=?1 AND date<=?2 And book_id<>?3";
let func = "whereAndNotEqual3";
return this.whereAndNotEqual2base(stmt, func);
whereAndNotEqual2base(stmt, func) {
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"]];
return this.isEqual(func, data, expected);
selectAgainNewBinds1() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date > ?1 AND date < ?2 OR book_id = ?3";
let sqlObj = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let data = sqlObj.execute(stmt);
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"]];
let result = this.isEqual("selectAgainNewBinds1a", data, expected);
data = sqlObj.clearBindParameters()
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"]];
return result && this.isEqual("selectAgainNewBinds1b", data, expected);
groupBy1() {
let stmt = "select bookSales.book_id, SUM(bookSales.Quantity) from bookSales group by book_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["bookSales.book_id", "SUM(bookSales.Quantity)"],
["1", 1],
["2", 100],
["3", 150],
["4", 50],
["7", 106],
["8", 3],
["9", 11]];
return this.isEqual("groupBy1", data, expected);
groupBy2() {
let stmt =
"select bookSales.customer_id, SUM(bookSales.quantity) FROM booksales " +
"GROUP BY booksales.customer_id HAVING SUM(bookSales.quantity) > 11";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["bookSales.customer_id", "SUM(bookSales.quantity)"],
["C2", 108],
["C4", 300]];
return this.isEqual("groupBy2", data, expected);
groupBy3() {
let stmt =
"select bookSales.customer_id, date, SUM(bookSales.quantity) FROM booksales " +
"GROUP BY customer_id, date";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["bookSales.customer_id", "date", "SUM(bookSales.quantity)"],
["", "05/02/2022", 1],
["C1", "05/01/2022", 10],
["C1", "05/04/2022", 1],
["C2", "05/01/2022", 8],
["C2", "05/04/2022", 100],
["C3", "05/02/2022", 1],
["C4", "05/03/2022", 300]];
return this.isEqual("groupBy3", data, expected);
groupBy4() {
let stmt =
"select bookSales.customer_id, date, count(customer_id), count(date) FROM booksales " +
"GROUP BY customer_id, date";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["bookSales.customer_id", "date", "count(customer_id)", "count(date)"],
["", "05/02/2022", 1, 1],
["C1", "05/01/2022", 1, 1],
["C1", "05/04/2022", 1, 1],
["C2", "05/01/2022", 2, 2],
["C2", "05/04/2022", 1, 1],
["C3", "05/02/2022", 1, 1],
["C4", "05/03/2022", 3, 3]];
return this.isEqual("groupBy4", data, expected);
groupBy5() {
let stmt = "select id, first_name, last_name, count(*) from (select id, first_name, last_name from editors union all select id, first_name, last_name from authors union all select id, first_name, last_name from translators) as test group by id, first_name, last_name";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
let expected = [["id","first_name","last_name","count(*)"],
return this.isEqual("groupBy5", data, expected);
avgSelect1() {
let stmt = "select AVG(quantity) from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["AVG(quantity)"], [42.1]];
return this.isEqual("avgSelect1", data, expected);
funcsSelect2() {
let stmt = "select AVG(quantity), MIN(quantity), MAX(quantity), SUM(quantity), COUNT(quantity) from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["AVG(quantity)", "MIN(quantity)", "MAX(quantity)", "SUM(quantity)", "COUNT(quantity)"],
[42.1, 1, 150, 421, 10]];
return this.isEqual("funcsSelect2", data, expected);
innerSelect1() {
let stmt = "SELECT *, customers.name FROM bookSales " +
"LEFT JOIN customers ON bookSales.customer_ID = customers.ID " +
"WHERE bookSales.quantity > (select AVG(quantity) from booksales)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com", "Dewy Tuesdays"]];
return this.isEqual("innerSelect1", data, expected);
whereLike1() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales " +
"LEFT JOIN books ON booksales.book_id = books.id " +
"LEFT JOIN authors on books.author_id = authors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN editors on books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN customers on bookSales.customer_id = customers.id " +
"WHERE customers.email LIKE '%gmail.com'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022", "9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34", null, null, null, "23", "Maria", "Evans", "C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022", "8", "My Last Book", "original", "11", "28", "", "11", "Ellen", "Writer", null, null, null, "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", "7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34", "13", "Jack", "Smart", "23", "Maria", "Evans", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", "7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34", "13", "Jack", "Smart", "23", "Maria", "Evans", "C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34", "13", "Jack", "Smart", "23", "Maria", "Evans", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com"]];
return this.isEqual("whereLike1", data, expected);
whereLike2() {
let stmt = "select books.title as Title, auth.first_name as [First Name], editors.first_name, customers.name, customers.email, booksales.quantity from bookSales as sale" +
"LEFT JOIN books as bk ON sale.book_id = bk.id " +
"LEFT JOIN authors as auth on books.author_id = authors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN editors as ed on books.editor_id = ed.id " +
"LEFT JOIN customers on bookSales.customer_id = customers.id " +
"WHERE customers.email LIKE '%gmail.com'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["Title", "First Name", "editors.first_name", "customers.name", "customers.email", "booksales.quantity"],
["Book with Mysterious Author", null, "Maria", "Numereo Uno", "bigOne@gmail.com", 10],
["My Last Book", "Ellen", null, "Dewy Tuesdays", "twoguys@gmail.com", 3],
["Applied AI", "Jack", "Maria", "Dewy Tuesdays", "twoguys@gmail.com", 5],
["Applied AI", "Jack", "Maria", "Numereo Uno", "bigOne@gmail.com", 1],
["Applied AI", "Jack", "Maria", "Dewy Tuesdays", "twoguys@gmail.com", 100]];
return this.isEqual("whereLike2", data, expected);
whereNotLike1() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales " +
"LEFT JOIN books ON booksales.book_id = books.id " +
"LEFT JOIN authors on books.author_id = authors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN editors on books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN customers on bookSales.customer_id = customers.id " +
"WHERE customers.email NOT LIKE '%gmail.com'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34", null, null, null, "23", "Maria", "Evans", "C3", "Tres Buon Goods", "3 Way St", "Tres City", "5193133303", "thrice@hotmail.com"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022", "2", "Your Trip", "translated", "15", "22", "32", "15", "Yao", "Dou", "22", "Mark", "Johnson", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022", "3", "Lovely Love", "original", "14", "24", "", "14", "Donald", "Brain", "24", "Cathrine", "Roberts", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022", "4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "11", "24", "", "11", "Ellen", "Writer", "24", "Cathrine", "Roberts", "C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com"]];
return this.isEqual("whereNotLike1", data, expected);
union1() {
let stmt = "select * from authors UNION select * from editors";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["21", "Daniel", "Brown"],
["22", "Mark", "Johnson"],
["23", "Maria", "Evans"],
["24", "Cathrine", "Roberts"],
["25", "Sebastian", "Wright"],
["26", "Barbara", "Jones"],
["27", "Matthew", "Smith"],
["50", "Jack", "Dumb"],
["51", "Daniel", "Smart"]];
return this.isEqual("union1", data, expected);
unionAlias1() {
let stmt = "select a.id, a.first_name, a.last_name from authors as a UNION select e.id, e.first_name, e.last_name from editors as e";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["a.id", "a.first_name", "a.last_name"],
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["21", "Daniel", "Brown"],
["22", "Mark", "Johnson"],
["23", "Maria", "Evans"],
["24", "Cathrine", "Roberts"],
["25", "Sebastian", "Wright"],
["26", "Barbara", "Jones"],
["27", "Matthew", "Smith"],
["50", "Jack", "Dumb"],
["51", "Daniel", "Smart"]];
return this.isEqual("unionAlias1", data, expected);
unionBind1() {
let stmt = "select * from authors where id = ?1 UNION Select * From editors Where id = ?2 UNION select * from translators where id = ?3";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
["15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["51", "Daniel", "Smart"],
["31", "Ira", "Davies"]];
return this.isEqual("unionBind1", data, expected);
unionAll1() {
let stmt = "select * from authors UNION ALL select * from editors";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["21", "Daniel", "Brown"],
["22", "Mark", "Johnson"],
["23", "Maria", "Evans"],
["24", "Cathrine", "Roberts"],
["25", "Sebastian", "Wright"],
["26", "Barbara", "Jones"],
["27", "Matthew", "Smith"],
["50", "Jack", "Dumb"],
["51", "Daniel", "Smart"]];
return this.isEqual("unionAll1", data, expected);
unionAll2() {
let stmt = "select * from authors UNION ALL select * from editors UNION ALL select * from translators";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["21", "Daniel", "Brown"],
["22", "Mark", "Johnson"],
["23", "Maria", "Evans"],
["24", "Cathrine", "Roberts"],
["25", "Sebastian", "Wright"],
["26", "Barbara", "Jones"],
["27", "Matthew", "Smith"],
["50", "Jack", "Dumb"],
["51", "Daniel", "Smart"],
["31", "Ira", "Davies"],
["32", "Ling", "Weng"],
["33", "Kristian", "Green"],
["34", "Roman", "Edwards"]];
return this.isEqual("unionAll2", data, expected);
unionAll3() {
let stmt = "select * from authors UNION ALL select * from editors UNION select * from translators";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["21", "Daniel", "Brown"],
["22", "Mark", "Johnson"],
["23", "Maria", "Evans"],
["24", "Cathrine", "Roberts"],
["25", "Sebastian", "Wright"],
["26", "Barbara", "Jones"],
["27", "Matthew", "Smith"],
["50", "Jack", "Dumb"],
["51", "Daniel", "Smart"],
["31", "Ira", "Davies"],
["32", "Ling", "Weng"],
["33", "Kristian", "Green"],
["34", "Roman", "Edwards"]];
return this.isEqual("unionAll3", data, expected);
unionAll4() {
let stmt = "select * from authors UNION ALL select * from editors UNION select * from translators EXCEPT select * from editors where first_name like 'M%'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
let expected = [["11","Ellen","Writer"],
return this.isEqual("unionAll4", data, expected);
unionJoin1() {
let stmt = "select booksales.invoice as 'Invoice', booksales.quantity as 'Quantity', booksales.price as 'Price', booksales.quantity * booksales.price as 'Sales', booksales.date, books.title, customers.name, authors.first_name + ' ' + authors.last_name as 'Author', translators.first_name + ' ' + translators.last_name as 'Translator', editors.first_name + ' ' + editors.last_name as 'Editor' " +
"from booksales left join books on booksales.book_id = books.id " +
"left join customers on booksales.customer_id = customers.id " +
"left join authors on books.author_id = authors.id " +
"left join translators on books.translator_id = translators.id " +
"left join editors on books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"where booksales.date >= ?1 and booksales.date <= ?2 " +
"union all select 'Total', SUM(booksales.quantity), avg(booksales.price), SUM(booksales.price * booksales.quantity), '' ,'', '', '', '', '' from booksales " +
"where booksales.date >= ?3 and booksales.date <= ?4 ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("translators", this.translatorsTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["Invoice", "Quantity", "Price", "Sales", "booksales.date", "books.title", "customers.name", "Author", "Translator", "Editor"],
["I7200", 10, 34.95, 349.5, "05/01/2022", "Book with Mysterious Author", "Numereo Uno", "null null", "Roman Edwards", "Maria Evans"],
["I7201", 3, 29.95, 89.85, "05/01/2022", "My Last Book", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Ellen Writer", "null null", "null null"],
["I7201", 5, 18.99, 94.94999999999999, "05/01/2022", "Applied AI", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Jack Smart", "Roman Edwards", "Maria Evans"],
["I7202", 1, 59.99, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "Book with Mysterious Author", "Tres Buon Goods", "null null", "Roman Edwards", "Maria Evans"],
["I7203", 1, 90, 90, "05/02/2022", "Time to Grow Up!", null, "Ellen Writer", "null null", "Daniel Brown"],
["Total", 20, 46.775999999999996, 684.29, "", "", "", "", "", ""]];
return this.isEqual("unionJoin1", data, expected);
except1() {
let stmt = "select * from authors EXCEPT select * from authors where last_name like 'S%'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"]];
return this.isEqual("except1", data, expected);
intersect1() {
let stmt = "select * from editors INTERSECT select * from authors";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
["13", "Jack", "Smart"]];
return this.isEqual("intersect1", data, expected);
orderByDesc1() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales order by DATE DESC";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("orderByDesc1", data, expected);
orderByDesc2() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales order by DATE DESC, PRICE ASC";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("orderByDesc2", data, expected);
orderByDesc3() {
let stmt = "select * from customers where lower(city) like '%city%' order by email desc";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
["C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com"],
["C3", "Tres Buon Goods", "3 Way St", "Tres City", "5193133303", "thrice@hotmail.com"],
["C6", "Sx in Cars", "6 Seventh St", "Sx City", "6661116666", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com "],
["C4", "ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", "FourtNight City", "2894441234", "fourtimes@hotmail.com"],
["C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com"],
["C7", "7th Heaven", "7 Eight Crt.", "Lucky City", "5551117777", " timesAcharm@gmail.com "]];
return this.isEqual("orderByDesc3", data, expected);
distinct1() {
let stmt = "select distinct last_name from editors";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["LAST_NAME"],
return this.isEqual("distinct1", data, expected);
selectMath1() {
let stmt = "select book_id, -(quantity), price, Quantity * Price, booksales.quantity * booksales.price * 0.13, quantity % 2, ((quantity + 1) * price)/100 from bookSales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["book_id", "-(quantity)", "price", "Quantity * Price", "booksales.quantity * booksales.price * 0.13", "quantity % 2", "((quantity + 1) * price)/100"],
["9", -10, 34.95, 349.5, 45.435, 0, 3.8445000000000005],
["8", -3, 29.95, 89.85, 11.6805, 1, 1.198],
["7", -5, 18.99, 94.94999999999999, 12.343499999999999, 1, 1.1394],
["9", -1, 59.99, 59.99, 7.7987, 1, 1.1998],
["1", -1, 90, 90, 11.700000000000001, 1, 1.8],
["2", -100, 65.49, 6548.999999999999, 851.3699999999999, 0, 66.14489999999999],
["3", -150, 24.95, 3742.5, 486.52500000000003, 0, 37.674499999999995],
["4", -50, 19.99, 999.4999999999999, 129.935, 0, 10.194899999999999],
["7", -1, 33.97, 33.97, 4.4161, 1, 0.6794],
["7", -100, 17.99, 1798.9999999999998, 233.86999999999998, 0, 18.1699]];
return this.isEqual("selectMath1", data, expected);
selectMathFunc1() {
let stmt = "select book_id, quantity, price, round(((quantity + 1) * price)/100), LEFT(invoice,3), RIGHT(invoice,4) from bookSales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["book_id", "quantity", "price", "round(((quantity + 1) * price)/100)", "LEFT(invoice,3)", "RIGHT(invoice,4)"],
["9", 10, 34.95, 4, "I72", "7200"],
["8", 3, 29.95, 1, "I72", "7201"],
["7", 5, 18.99, 1, "I72", "7201"],
["9", 1, 59.99, 1, "I72", "7202"],
["1", 1, 90, 2, "I72", "7203"],
["2", 100, 65.49, 66, "I72", "7204"],
["3", 150, 24.95, 38, "I72", "7204"],
["4", 50, 19.99, 10, "I72", "7204"],
["7", 1, 33.97, 1, "I72", "7205"],
["7", 100, 17.99, 18, "I72", "7206"]];
return this.isEqual("selectMathFunc1", data, expected);
selectMathFunc2() {
let stmt = "select book_id, quantity, price, ABS(quantity-10), CEILING(price), floor(price), log(quantity), log10(quantity), power(quantity, 2), sqrt(quantity) from bookSales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["book_id", "quantity", "price", "ABS(quantity-10)", "CEILING(price)", "floor(price)", "log(quantity)", "log10(quantity)", "power(quantity, 2)", "sqrt(quantity)"],
["9", 10, 34.95, 0, 35, 34, 3.321928094887362, 1, 100, 3.1622776601683795],
["8", 3, 29.95, 7, 30, 29, 1.584962500721156, 0.47712125471966244, 9, 1.7320508075688772],
["7", 5, 18.99, 5, 19, 18, 2.321928094887362, 0.6989700043360189, 25, 2.23606797749979],
["9", 1, 59.99, 9, 60, 59, 0, 0, 1, 1],
["1", 1, 90, 9, 90, 90, 0, 0, 1, 1],
["2", 100, 65.49, 90, 66, 65, 6.643856189774724, 2, 10000, 10],
["3", 150, 24.95, 140, 25, 24, 7.22881869049588, 2.1760912590556813, 22500, 12.24744871391589],
["4", 50, 19.99, 40, 20, 19, 5.643856189774724, 1.6989700043360187, 2500, 7.0710678118654755],
["7", 1, 33.97, 9, 34, 33, 0, 0, 1, 1], ["7", 100, 17.99, 90, 18, 17, 6.643856189774724, 2, 10000, 10]];
return this.isEqual("selectMathFunc2", data, expected);
selectFuncs2() {
let stmt = "select name, address, LEN(name), LENGTH(address), lower(name), upper(address), trim(email), ltrim(email), rtrim(email) from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["name", "address", "LEN(name)", "LENGTH(address)", "lower(name)", "upper(address)", "trim(email)", "ltrim(email)", "rtrim(email)"],
["Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", 11, 11, "numereo uno", "101 ONE WAY", "bigOne@gmail.com", "bigOne@gmail.com", "bigOne@gmail.com"],
["Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", 13, 14, "dewy tuesdays", "202 SECOND ST.", "twoguys@gmail.com", "twoguys@gmail.com", "twoguys@gmail.com"],
["Tres Buon Goods", "3 Way St", 15, 8, "tres buon goods", "3 WAY ST", "thrice@hotmail.com", "thrice@hotmail.com", "thrice@hotmail.com"],
["ForMe Resellers", "40 Four St", 15, 10, "forme resellers", "40 FOUR ST", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "fourtimes@hotmail.com"],
["Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger", "5 ohFive St.", 20, 12, "fe fi fo giant tiger", "5 OHFIVE ST.", "fiver@gmail.com", "fiver@gmail.com", " fiver@gmail.com"],
["Sx in Cars", "6 Seventh St", 10, 12, "sx in cars", "6 SEVENTH ST", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com ", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com"],
["7th Heaven", "7 Eight Crt.", 10, 12, "7th heaven", "7 EIGHT CRT.", "timesAcharm@gmail.com", "timesAcharm@gmail.com ", " timesAcharm@gmail.com"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFuncs2", data, expected);
selectFuncs3() {
let stmt = "select name + ' = ' + upper(email), reverse(name), replicate(name,2) from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["name + ' = ' + upper(email)", "reverse(name)", "replicate(name,2)"],
["Numereo Uno = BIGONE@GMAIL.COM", "onU oeremuN", "Numereo UnoNumereo Uno"],
["Dewy Tuesdays = TWOGUYS@GMAIL.COM", "syadseuT yweD", "Dewy TuesdaysDewy Tuesdays"],
["Tres Buon Goods = THRICE@HOTMAIL.COM", "sdooG nouB serT", "Tres Buon GoodsTres Buon Goods"],
["ForMe Resellers = FOURTIMES@HOTMAIL.COM", "srelleseR eMroF", "ForMe ResellersForMe Resellers"],
["Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger = FIVER@GMAIL.COM", "regiT tnaiG oF iF eF", "Fe Fi Fo Giant TigerFe Fi Fo Giant Tiger"],
["Sx in Cars = GOTYOURSIX@HOTMAIL.COM ", "sraC ni xS", "Sx in CarsSx in Cars"],
["7th Heaven = TIMESACHARM@GMAIL.COM ", "nevaeH ht7", "7th Heaven7th Heaven"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFuncs3", data, expected);
selectFuncs4() {
let stmt = "select space(5), email, stuff(email, 2, 3, 'CJD'), substring(email, 5, 5) from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["space(5)", "email", "stuff(email, 2, 3, 'CJD')", "substring(email, 5, 5)"],
[" ", "bigOne@gmail.com", "bCJDne@gmail.com", "ne@gm"],
[" ", "twoguys@gmail.com", "tCJDuys@gmail.com", "uys@g"],
[" ", "thrice@hotmail.com", "tCJDce@hotmail.com", "ce@ho"],
[" ", "fourtimes@hotmail.com", "fCJDtimes@hotmail.com", "times"],
[" ", " fiver@gmail.com", " CJDiver@gmail.com", "iver@"],
[" ", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com ", "gCJDourSix@hotmail.com ", "ourSi"],
[" ", " timesAcharm@gmail.com ", " CJDesAcharm@gmail.com ", "esAch"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFuncs4", data, expected);
selectFuncs5() {
let stmt = "select now(), email, stuff(email, 2, 3, 'CJD'), substring(email, 5, 5) from customers limit 1";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
Logger.log("NOTE: selectFuncs5(), Test is attempted multiple times on failure (matching current time).")
// NOW() is always changing, so try our test a few times.
let attempts = 0;
let success = false;
while (attempts < 5 && !success) {
let data = testSQL.execute(stmt);
let expected = [["now()", "email", "stuff(email, 2, 3, 'CJD')", "substring(email, 5, 5)"],
["%1", "bigOne@gmail.com", "bCJDne@gmail.com", "ne@gm"]];
for (let row of expected) {
let nowPos = row.indexOf("%1");
if (nowPos != -1)
row[nowPos] = new Date().toLocaleString();
success = this.isEqual("selectFuncs5", data, expected);
return success;
selectFuncs6() {
let stmt = "select date, year(date), month(date), day(date) from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["date", "year(date)", "month(date)", "day(date)"],
["05/01/2022", 2022, 5, 1],
["05/01/2022", 2022, 5, 1],
["05/01/2022", 2022, 5, 1],
["05/02/2022", 2022, 5, 2],
["05/02/2022", 2022, 5, 2],
["05/03/2022", 2022, 5, 3],
["05/03/2022", 2022, 5, 3],
["05/03/2022", 2022, 5, 3],
["05/04/2022", 2022, 5, 4],
["05/04/2022", 2022, 5, 4]];
return this.isEqual("selectFuncs6", data, expected);
selectFuncs7() {
let stmt = "select name, charindex(' ', name, 2), charindex(' ', name, 4), charindex(' ', name, 6) from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["name", "charindex(' ', name, 2)", "charindex(' ', name, 4)", "charindex(' ', name, 6)"],
["Numereo Uno", 8, 8, 8],
["Dewy Tuesdays", 5, 5, 0],
["Tres Buon Goods", 5, 5, 10],
["ForMe Resellers", 6, 6, 6],
["Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger", 3, 6, 6],
["Sx in Cars", 3, 6, 6],
["7th Heaven", 4, 4, 0]];
return this.isEqual("selectFuncs7", data, expected);
selectFuncInFunc1() {
let stmt = "select email, upper(substring(email, 5, 5)), trim(upper(email)) from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["email", "upper(substring(email, 5, 5))", "trim(upper(email))"],
["bigOne@gmail.com", "NE@GM", "BIGONE@GMAIL.COM"],
["twoguys@gmail.com", "UYS@G", "TWOGUYS@GMAIL.COM"],
["thrice@hotmail.com", "CE@HO", "THRICE@HOTMAIL.COM"],
["fourtimes@hotmail.com", "TIMES", "FOURTIMES@HOTMAIL.COM"],
[" fiver@gmail.com", "IVER@", "FIVER@GMAIL.COM"],
["gotyourSix@hotmail.com ", "OURSI", "GOTYOURSIX@HOTMAIL.COM"],
[" timesAcharm@gmail.com ", "ESACH", "TIMESACHARM@GMAIL.COM"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFuncInFunc1", data, expected);
selectFuncInFunc2() {
let stmt = "select email,charindex('@', email), if(charindex('@', email) > 0, trim(substring(email, 1, charindex('@', email) - 1)), email) from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["email", "charindex('@', email)", "if(charindex('@', email) > 0, trim(substring(email, 1, charindex('@', email) - 1)), email)"],
["bigOne@gmail.com", 7, "bigOne"],
["twoguys@gmail.com", 8, "twoguys"],
["thrice@hotmail.com", 7, "thrice"],
["fourtimes@hotmail.com", 10, "fourtimes"],
[" fiver@gmail.com", 9, "fiver"],
["gotyourSix@hotmail.com ", 11, "gotyourSix"],
[" timesAcharm@gmail.com ", 13, "timesAcharm"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFuncInFunc2", data, expected);
selectIF1() {
let stmt = "SELECT IF(authors.id = '', 'MISSING AUTHOR', authors.id), authors.last_name, IF(editors.id = '', 'MISSING EDITOR', editors.id), editors.last_name " +
"FROM authors " +
"FULL JOIN editors " +
"ON authors.id = editors.id ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let expected = [["IF(authors.id = '', 'MISSING AUTHOR', authors.id)", "authors.last_name", "IF(editors.id = '', 'MISSING EDITOR', editors.id)", "editors.last_name"],
["11", "Writer", null, null],
["12", "Savelieva", null, null],
["13", "Smart", "13", "Smart"],
["14", "Brain", null, null],
["15", "Dou", null, null],
[null, null, "21", "Brown"],
[null, null, "22", "Johnson"],
[null, null, "23", "Evans"],
[null, null, "24", "Roberts"],
[null, null, "25", "Wright"],
[null, null, "26", "Jones"],
[null, null, "27", "Smith"],
[null, null, "50", "Dumb"],
[null, null, "51", "Smart"]]
return this.isEqual("selectIF1", data, expected);
selectIF2() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, if(price > 25, 'OVER $25', 'UNDER $25') " +
"FROM booksales ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["quantity", "price", "if(price > 25, 'OVER $25', 'UNDER $25')"],
[10, 34.95, "OVER $25"],
[3, 29.95, "OVER $25"],
[5, 18.99, "UNDER $25"],
[1, 59.99, "OVER $25"],
[1, 90, "OVER $25"],
[100, 65.49, "OVER $25"],
[150, 24.95, "UNDER $25"],
[50, 19.99, "UNDER $25"],
[1, 33.97, "OVER $25"],
[100, 17.99, "UNDER $25"]];
return this.isEqual("selectIF2", data, expected);
selectIF3() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, if(quantity + price > 100, 'OVER $100', 'UNDER $100') " +
"FROM booksales ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["quantity", "price", "if(quantity + price > 100, 'OVER $100', 'UNDER $100')"],
[10, 34.95, "UNDER $100"],
[3, 29.95, "UNDER $100"],
[5, 18.99, "UNDER $100"],
[1, 59.99, "UNDER $100"],
[1, 90, "UNDER $100"],
[100, 65.49, "OVER $100"],
[150, 24.95, "OVER $100"],
[50, 19.99, "UNDER $100"],
[1, 33.97, "UNDER $100"]
, [100, 17.99, "OVER $100"]];
return this.isEqual("selectIF3", data, expected);
selectIF4() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, if(quantity * price > 100, 'OVER $100', 'UNDER $100') " +
"FROM booksales ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["quantity", "price", "if(quantity * price > 100, 'OVER $100', 'UNDER $100')"],
[10, 34.95, "OVER $100"],
[3, 29.95, "UNDER $100"],
[5, 18.99, "UNDER $100"],
[1, 59.99, "UNDER $100"],
[1, 90, "UNDER $100"],
[100, 65.49, "OVER $100"],
[150, 24.95, "OVER $100"],
[50, 19.99, "OVER $100"],
[1, 33.97, "UNDER $100"],
[100, 17.99, "OVER $100"]];
return this.isEqual("selectIF4", data, expected);
selectWhereCalc1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, price + quantity from booksales where (price + quantity > 100)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["quantity", "price", "price + quantity"],
[100, 65.49, 165.49],
[150, 24.95, 174.95],
[100, 17.99, 117.99]];
return this.isEqual("selectWhereCalc1", data, expected);
selectWhereCalc2() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, quantity * price from booksales where price * quantity > 100";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["quantity", "price", "quantity * price"],
[10, 34.95, 349.5],
[100, 65.49, 6548.999999999999],
[150, 24.95, 3742.5],
[50, 19.99, 999.4999999999999],
[100, 17.99, 1798.9999999999998]];
return this.isEqual("selectWhereCalc2", data, expected);
selectCase1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, " +
"CASE " +
"WHEN quantity = 1 THEN 'One Sold' " +
"WHEN quantity = 2 THEN 'Two Sold' " +
"WHEN quantity = 3 THEN 'Three Sold' " +
"WHEN quantity < 100 THEN 'Up to 100 Sold' " +
"ELSE quantity + ' items sold' " +
"END " +
"from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["quantity", "price", "CASE WHEN quantity = 1 THEN 'One Sold' WHEN quantity = 2 THEN 'Two Sold' WHEN quantity = 3 THEN 'Three Sold' WHEN quantity < 100 THEN 'Up to 100 Sold' ELSE quantity + ' items sold' END"],
[10, 34.95, "Up to 100 Sold"],
[3, 29.95, "Three Sold"],
[5, 18.99, "Up to 100 Sold"],
[1, 59.99, "One Sold"],
[1, 90, "One Sold"],
[100, 65.49, "100 items sold"],
[150, 24.95, "150 items sold"],
[50, 19.99, "Up to 100 Sold"],
[1, 33.97, "One Sold"],
[100, 17.99, "100 items sold"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCase1", data, expected);
selectCase2() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, " +
"'Invoice=' + substring(invoice,2,4) + ' ' + " +
"CASE " +
"WHEN quantity > 1 and quantity <= 5 THEN 'Low Volume ' + quantity * price " +
"WHEN quantity > 5 and quantity < 10 THEN 'Moderate Volume' + quantity " +
"WHEN quantity = 100 or quantity = 150 THEN '100 or 150' " +
"WHEN quantity * price = 90 THEN '$90, ka ching.' " +
"ELSE quantity + ' items sold. ID=' + lower(customer_id) " +
"END as summary" +
"from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["quantity", "price", "summary"],
[10, 34.95, "Invoice=7200 10 items sold. ID=c1"],
[3, 29.95, "Invoice=7201 Low Volume 89.85"],
[5, 18.99, "Invoice=7201 Low Volume 94.94999999999999"],
[1, 59.99, "Invoice=7202 1 items sold. ID=c3"],
[1, 90, "Invoice=7203 $90, ka ching."],
[100, 65.49, "Invoice=7204 100 or 150"],
[150, 24.95, "Invoice=7204 100 or 150"],
[50, 19.99, "Invoice=7204 50 items sold. ID=c4"],
[1, 33.97, "Invoice=7205 1 items sold. ID=c1"],
[100, 17.99, "Invoice=7206 100 or 150"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCase2", data, expected);
selectAlias1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity as QTY, price as Pricing, round(quantity * price) as Money from booksales where price * quantity > 100";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["QTY", "Pricing", "Money"],
[10, 34.95, 350],
[100, 65.49, 6549],
[150, 24.95, 3743],
[50, 19.99, 999],
[100, 17.99, 1799]];
return this.isEqual("selectAlias1", data, expected);
liveTest1() {
let stmt = "select mastertransactions.transaction_date, sum(mastertransactions.gross), sum(mastertransactions.amount) from mastertransactions inner join budgetCategories on mastertransactions.Expense_Category = budgetCategories.Income where mastertransactions.transaction_date >= '01/01/2022' and mastertransactions.transaction_date <= '05/19/2022' group by mastertransactions.transaction_date pivot mastertransactions.account";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData('mastertransactions', 'Master Transactions!$A$1:$I')
.addTableData('budgetCategories', 'budgetIncomeCategories')
let expected = [["QTY", "Pricing", "Money"],
[10, 34.95, 350],
[100, 65.49, 6549],
[150, 24.95, 3743],
[50, 19.99, 999],
[100, 17.99, 1799]];
return this.isEqual("liveTest1", data, expected);
liveTest2() {
let stmt = "select name_of_institution, transaction_date, balance from 'master transactions' where name_of_institution in (select account_name from accounts where type = 'Bank') and balance is not null and transaction_date >= ? and transaction_date <= ?";
let data = gsSQL(stmt, [], false, 'startBankingDate', 'endBankingDate');
let expected = [["QTY", "Pricing", "Money"],
[10, 34.95, 350],
[100, 65.49, 6549],
[150, 24.95, 3743],
[50, 19.99, 999],
[100, 17.99, 1799]];
return this.isEqual("liveTest2", data, expected);
groupPivot1() {
let stmt = "select bookSales.date, SUM(bookSales.Quantity) from bookSales where customer_id != '' group by date pivot customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["bookSales.date", "C1 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)", "C2 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)", "C3 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)", "C4 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)"],
["05/01/2022", 10, 8, 0, 0],
["05/02/2022", 0, 0, 1, 0],
["05/03/2022", 0, 0, 0, 300],
["05/04/2022", 1, 100, 0, 0]];
return this.isEqual("groupPivot1", data, expected);
groupPivot2() {
let stmt = "select date, sum(quantity) from bookReturns group by date pivot customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookReturns", this.bookReturnsTable())
let expected = [["date", "c1 sum(quantity)", "c2 sum(quantity)", "c3 sum(quantity)", "c4 sum(quantity)"],
["05/01/2022", 10, 8, 0, 0],
["05/02/2022", 1, 0, 1, 0],
["05/03/2022", 0, 0, 0, 300],
["05/04/2022", 1, 100, 0, 0]];
return this.isEqual("groupPivot2", data, expected);
groupPivot3() {
let stmt = "select date, sum(quantity) from bookReturns where date >= ?1 and date <= ?2 group by date pivot customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookReturns", this.bookReturnsTable())
let expected = [["date", "c1 sum(quantity)", "c2 sum(quantity)", "c3 sum(quantity)", "c4 sum(quantity)"],
["05/01/2022", 10, 8, 0, 0],
["05/02/2022", 1, 0, 1, 0],
["05/03/2022", 0, 0, 0, 300],
["05/04/2022", 1, 100, 0, 0]];
return this.isEqual("groupPivot3", data, expected);
groupFunc1() {
let stmt = "select bookSales.date, SUM(if(customer_id = 'C1', bookSales.Quantity,0)), SUM(if(customer_id = 'C2', bookSales.Quantity,0)) from bookSales where customer_id != '' group by date";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["bookSales.date", "SUM(if(customer_id = 'C1', bookSales.Quantity,0))", "SUM(if(customer_id = 'C2', bookSales.Quantity,0))"],
["05/01/2022", 10, 8],
["05/02/2022", 0, 0],
["05/03/2022", 0, 0],
["05/04/2022", 1, 100]];
return this.isEqual("groupFunc1", data, expected);
groupFunc2() {
let stmt = "select bookSales.date, SUM(if(customer_id = 'C1', bookSales.Quantity,0)), SUM(if(customer_id = 'C2', bookSales.Quantity,0)) from bookSales where customer_id = '1010' group by date";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [['']];
return this.isEqual("groupFunc2", data, expected);
selectInGroupByPivot1() {
let stmt = "select bookSales.date, SUM(bookSales.Quantity) from bookSales where customer_id in (select id from customers) group by date pivot customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["bookSales.date", "C1 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)", "C2 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)", "C3 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)", "C4 SUM(bookSales.Quantity)"],
["05/01/2022", 10, 8, 0, 0],
["05/02/2022", 0, 0, 1, 0],
["05/03/2022", 0, 0, 0, 300],
["05/04/2022", 1, 100, 0, 0]];
return this.isEqual("selectInGroupByPivot1", data, expected);
selectInGroupByPivot2() {
let stmt = "select bookSales.date as 'Transaction Date', SUM(bookSales.Quantity) as [ as Much Quantity], Max(price) as Maximum from bookSales where customer_id in (select id from customers) group by date pivot customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["Transaction Date", "C1 as Much Quantity", "C2 as Much Quantity", "C3 as Much Quantity", "C4 as Much Quantity", "C1 Maximum", "C2 Maximum", "C3 Maximum", "C4 Maximum"],
["05/01/2022", 10, 8, 0, 0, 34.95, 29.95, 0, 0],
["05/02/2022", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 59.99, 0],
["05/03/2022", 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 65.49],
["05/04/2022", 1, 100, 0, 0, 33.97, 17.99, 0, 0]];
return this.isEqual("selectInGroupByPivot2", data, expected);
selectInGroupByPivot3() {
let stmt = "select bookSales.date as 'Date', SUM(bookSales.Quantity) as [Quantity], Max(price) as Maximum, min(price) as Min, avg(price) as avg, count(date) from bookSales where customer_id in (select id from customers) group by date pivot customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["Date", "C1 Quantity", "C2 Quantity", "C3 Quantity", "C4 Quantity", "C1 Maximum", "C2 Maximum", "C3 Maximum", "C4 Maximum", "C1 Min", "C2 Min", "C3 Min", "C4 Min", "C1 avg", "C2 avg", "C3 avg", "C4 avg", "C1 count(date)", "C2 count(date)", "C3 count(date)", "C4 count(date)"],
["05/01/2022", 10, 8, 0, 0, 34.95, 29.95, 0, 0, 34.95, 18.99, 0, 0, 34.95, 24.47, null, null, 1, 2, 0, 0],
["05/02/2022", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 59.99, 0, 0, 0, 59.99, 0, null, null, 59.99, null, 0, 0, 1, 0],
["05/03/2022", 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 0, 0, 65.49, 0, 0, 0, 19.99, null, null, null, 36.809999999999995, 0, 0, 0, 3],
["05/04/2022", 1, 100, 0, 0, 33.97, 17.99, 0, 0, 33.97, 17.99, 0, 0, 33.97, 17.99, null, null, 1, 1, 0, 0]];
return this.isEqual("selectInGroupByPivot3", data, expected);
selectCount1() {
let stmt = "select count(*) from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["count(*)"],
return this.isEqual("selectCount1", data, expected);
selectCount2() {
let stmt = "select customer_id, count(*) from booksales group by customer_id having count(*) > 1";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["customer_id", "count(*)"],
["C1", 2],
["C2", 3],
["C4", 3]];
return this.isEqual("selectCount2", data, expected);
selectCount3() {
let stmt = "select count(distinct customer_id), count(distinct invoice) from booksales where customer_id <> ''";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["count(distinct customer_id)", "count(distinct invoice)"],
[4, 6]];
return this.isEqual("selectCount3", data, expected);
selectCount4() {
let stmt = "select count(distinct customer_id), count(distinct invoice) from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["count(distinct customer_id)", "count(distinct invoice)"],
[5, 7]];
return this.isEqual("selectCount4", data, expected);
selectCount5() {
let stmt = "select count(all customer_id), count(all invoice) from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["count(all customer_id)", "count(all invoice)"],
[10, 10]];
return this.isEqual("selectCount5", data, expected);
selectCount6() {
let stmt = "select avg(price), max(quantity), count(customer_id) from booksales group by customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["avg(price)", "max(quantity)", "count(customer_id)"],
[90, 1, 1],
[34.46, 10, 2],
[22.31, 100, 3],
[59.99, 1, 1],
[36.809999999999995, 150, 3]];
return this.isEqual("selectCount6", data, expected);
selectGroupByNotInSelect() {
let stmt = "select avg(price), max(quantity) from booksales group by customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["avg(price)", "max(quantity)"],
[90, 1],
[34.46, 10],
[22.31, 100],
[59.99, 1],
[36.809999999999995, 150]];
return this.isEqual("selectGroupByNotInSelect", data, expected);
selectGroupByNotInSelect2() {
let stmt = "select avg(price), max(quantity) from booksales group by customer_id, date";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["avg(price)", "max(quantity)"],
[90, 1],
[34.95, 10],
[33.97, 1],
[24.47, 5],
[17.99, 100],
[59.99, 1],
[36.809999999999995, 150]];
return this.isEqual("selectGroupByNotInSelect2", data, expected);
selectOrderByNotInSelect() {
let stmt = "select price, quantity from booksales order by customer_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["price", "quantity"],
[90, 1],
[34.95, 10],
[33.97, 1],
[29.95, 3],
[18.99, 5],
[17.99, 100],
[59.99, 1],
[65.49, 100],
[24.95, 150],
[19.99, 50]];
return this.isEqual("selectOrderByNotInSelect", data, expected);
selectCoalesce() {
let stmt = "select name, coalesce(dec, nov, oct, sep, aug, jul, jun, may, apr, mar, feb, jan) from yearlysales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("yearlysales", this.yearlySalesTable())
let expected = [["name", "coalesce(dec, nov, oct, sep, aug, jul, jun, may, apr, mar, feb, jan)"],
["Chris", 60],
["Fred", 30],
["Dan", 31],
["Kev", 60],
["Dori", 50],
["Gab", "20"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCoalesce", data, expected);
selectConcat_Ws() {
let stmt = "select concat_ws('-', *) as concatenated from customers " +
"where concat_ws('-', *) like '%Way%'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["concatenated"],
["C1-Numereo Uno-101 One Way-One Point City-9051112111-bigOne@gmail.com"],
["C3-Tres Buon Goods-3 Way St-Tres City-5193133303-thrice@hotmail.com"]];
return this.isEqual("selectConcat_Ws", data, expected);
selectConcat_Ws2() {
let stmt = "select concat_ws('-', *) as concatenated from booksales " +
"left join customers on booksales.customer_id = customers.id " +
"where concat_ws('-', *) like '%Way%'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["concatenated"],
["I7200-9-C1-10-34.95-05/01/2022-C1-Numereo Uno-101 One Way-One Point City-9051112111-bigOne@gmail.com"],
["I7202-9-C3-1-59.99-05/02/2022-C3-Tres Buon Goods-3 Way St-Tres City-5193133303-thrice@hotmail.com"],
["I7205-7-C1-1-33.97-05/04/2022-C1-Numereo Uno-101 One Way-One Point City-9051112111-bigOne@gmail.com"]];
return this.isEqual("selectConcat_Ws2", data, expected);
selectNoTitle1() {
let stmt = "SELECT booksales.A as 'Invoice', booksales.B as 'Book ID', CUST.A, CUST.B FROM booksales " +
"LEFT JOIN customers as CUST on booksales.C = customers.A ";
let customers = this.customerTable();
let bookSales = this.bookSalesTable();
// Get rid of current column titles.
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", customers, 0, false)
.addTableData("booksales", bookSales, 0, false)
let expected = [["Invoice", "Book ID", "CUST.A", "CUST.B"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", "Numereo Uno"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", "Tres Buon Goods"],
["I7203", "1", null, null],
["I7204", "2", "C4", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", "Numereo Uno"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", "Dewy Tuesdays"]];
return this.isEqual("selectNoTitle1", data, expected);
selectNested() {
let stmt = "select * from books where id in (select book_id from booksales where price > (select avg(price) from booksales))";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "original", "11", "21", ""],
["2", "Your Trip", "translated", "15", "22", "32"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34"]];
return this.isEqual("selectNested", data, expected);
selectNested2() {
let stmt = "select last_name from authors where id in (select author_id from books where id in (select book_id from booksales where price > (select avg(price) from booksales)))";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let expected = [["last_name"],
return this.isEqual("selectNested2", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery1() {
let stmt = "select id, title, (select count(*) from booksales where books.id = booksales.book_id) from books";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["id", "title", "(select count(*) from booksales where books.id = booksales.book_id)"],
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", 1],
["2", "Your Trip", 1],
["3", "Lovely Love", 1],
["4", "Dream Your Life", 1],
["5", "Oranges", ""],
["6", "Your Happy Life", ""],
["7", "Applied AI", 3],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", 2],
["8", "My Last Book", 1]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery1", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery2() {
let stmt = "select id, title, (select count(*) from booksales where books.id = booksales.book_id) as 'Sold' from books where (select count(*) from booksales where books.id = booksales.book_id) > 1";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["id", "title", "Sold"],
["7", "Applied AI", 3],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", 2]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery2", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery3() {
let stmt = "select * from customers where exists (SELECT * FROM booksales WHERE booksales.customer_id = customers.id) and email like '%gmail.com' ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["C1", "Numereo Uno", "101 One Way", "One Point City", "9051112111", "bigOne@gmail.com"],
["C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", "202 Second St.", "Second City", "4162022222", "twoguys@gmail.com"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery3", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery4() {
let stmt = "select * from customers where not exists (SELECT * FROM booksales WHERE booksales.customer_id = customers.id)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["C5", "Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger", "5 ohFive St.", "FifthDom", "4165551234", " fiver@gmail.com"],
["C6", "Sx in Cars", "6 Seventh St", "Sx City", "6661116666", "gotyourSix@hotmail.com "],
["C7", "7th Heaven", "7 Eight Crt.", "Lucky City", "5551117777", " timesAcharm@gmail.com "]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery4", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery5() {
let stmt = "SELECT * FROM booksales as b1 where price = (select max(booksales.price) from booksales where booksales.customer_id = b1.customer_id)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery5", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery6() {
let stmt = "select * from bookreturns as br where price < (select max(price) from bookreturns where br.customer_id = customer_id) and price > (select min(price) from bookreturns where br.customer_id = customer_id)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookreturns", this.bookReturnsTable())
["Rma001", "9", "c1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["rmA030", "7", "c2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["Rma701", "3", "c4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery6", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery7() {
let stmt = "select * from bookreturns as br where price < (select max(sub.price) from bookreturns as sub where br.customer_id = sub.customer_id) and price > (select min(price) from bookreturns where br.customer_id = customer_id)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookreturns", this.bookReturnsTable())
["Rma001", "9", "c1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["rmA030", "7", "c2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["Rma701", "3", "c4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery7", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery8() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales as b1 where price in (select max(price) from booksales where b1.customer_id = customer_id)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery8", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery9() {
let stmt = "select id, name, (select max(quantity) from booksales where customers.id = booksales.customer_id) as 'max sold' from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["id", "name", "max sold"],
["C1", "Numereo Uno", 10],
["C2", "Dewy Tuesdays", 100],
["C3", "Tres Buon Goods", 1],
["C4", "ForMe Resellers", 150],
["C5", "Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger", ""],
["C6", "Sx in Cars", ""],
["C7", "7th Heaven", ""]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery9", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery10() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales as b1 where price in (select max(price) from booksales where b1.customer_id = customer_id and book_id <> '9')";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery10", data, expected);
selectCorrelatedSubQuery11() {
let stmt = "select *, (select sum(quantity) from booksales where b1.customer_id = customer_id) as 'Total for Customer' from booksales as b1 where customer_id = ?1";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022", 300],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022", 300],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022", 300]];
return this.isEqual("selectCorrelatedSubQuery11", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery1() {
let stmt = "select score.customer_id, score.wins, score.loss, (score.wins / (score.wins+score.loss)) as rate from (select customer_id, sum(case when quantity < 100 then 1 else 0 end) as wins, sum(case when quantity >= 100 then 1 else 0 end) as loss from booksales group by customer_id) as score";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["score.customer_id", "score.wins", "score.loss", "rate"],
["", 1, 0, 1],
["C1", 2, 0, 1],
["C2", 2, 1, 0.6666666666666666],
["C3", 1, 0, 1],
["C4", 1, 2, 0.3333333333333333]];
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery1", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery2() {
let stmt = "select customer_id, wins, loss, (wins / (wins+loss)) as rate from (select customer_id, sum(case when quantity < 100 then 1 else 0 end) as wins, sum(case when quantity >= 100 then 1 else 0 end) as loss from booksales group by customer_id) as score";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["customer_id", "wins", "loss", "rate"],
["", 1, 0, 1],
["C1", 2, 0, 1],
["C2", 2, 1, 0.6666666666666666],
["C3", 1, 0, 1],
["C4", 1, 2, 0.3333333333333333]];
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery2", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery3() {
let stmt = "select invoice from (select invoice from booksales where customer_id = 'C1') as mysales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["invoice"],
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery3", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery4() {
let stmt = "select table3.invoice from " +
"(select invoice, quantity from " +
"(select invoice, table1.QTY as quantity from " +
"(select invoice, quantity as QTY, customer_id from booksales where quantity <= 10) as table1 "
+ "where customer_id = 'C1') as table2) "
+ "as table3";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["table3.invoice"],
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery4", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery5() {
let stmt = "select table3.invoice from " +
"(select * from " +
"(select invoice, table1.QTY as quantity from " +
"(select invoice, quantity as QTY, customer_id from booksales where quantity <= 10) as table1 "
+ "where customer_id = 'C1') as table2) "
+ "as table3";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["table3.invoice"],
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery5", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery6() {
let stmt = "select table3.invoice, table3.name from (select * from (select invoice, table1.QTY as quantity, customers.name from (select invoice, quantity as QTY, customer_id from booksales where quantity <= 10) as table1 join customers on table1.customer_id = customers.id where customer_id = 'C1') as table2) as table3";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["table3.invoice", "table3.name"],
["I7200", "Numereo Uno"],
["I7205", "Numereo Uno"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery6", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery7() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales join (select * from booksales where customer_id = 'C1') as subsales on booksales.book_id = subsales.book_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022", "I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", "I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", "I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery7", data, expected);
selectConvertFunction() {
let stmt = "select convert(address, signed), convert(address, char), convert(name, signed), convert(id, signed), convert(phone, char), convert(phone, decimal) from customers";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["convert(address, signed)", "convert(address, char)", "convert(name, signed)", "convert(id, signed)", "convert(phone, char)", "convert(phone, decimal)"],
[101, "101 One Way", 0, 0, "9051112111", 9051112111],
[202, "202 Second St.", 0, 0, "4162022222", 4162022222],
[3, "3 Way St", 0, 0, "5193133303", 5193133303],
[40, "40 Four St", 0, 0, "2894441234", 2894441234],
[5, "5 ohFive St.", 0, 0, "4165551234", 4165551234],
[6, "6 Seventh St", 0, 0, "6661116666", 6661116666],
[7, "7 Eight Crt.", 7, 0, "5551117777", 5551117777]];
return this.isEqual("selectConvertFunction", data, expected);
selectJoinMultipleConditions() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales join bookreturns on booksales.quantity = bookreturns.quantity and booksales.date = bookreturns.date or booksales.book_id = bookreturns.book_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("bookreturns", this.bookReturnsTable())
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022", "Rma001", "9", "c1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022", "RMA040", "9", "c3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022", "rma020", "8", "c2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", "rmA030", "7", "c2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", "RMA900", "7", "c1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", "rma1010", "7", "c2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "RMA040", "9", "c3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "rma005", "1", "c1", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", "Rma001", "9", "c1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022", "RMA040", "9", "c3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022", "rma005", "1", "c1", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022", "RMA600", "2", "c4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022", "Rma701", "3", "c4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022", "RmA800", "4", "c4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", "RMA900", "7", "c1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", "rmA030", "7", "c2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", "rma1010", "7", "c2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "rma1010", "7", "c2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "rmA030", "7", "c2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", "RMA900", "7", "c1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectJoinMultipleConditions", data, expected);
selectJoinOnExpression1() {
let stmt = "select invoice, name from booksales inner join customers on substr(booksales.customer_id, 2, 1) = substr(customers.id, 2, 1)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["invoice", "name"],
["I7200", "Numereo Uno"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays"],
["I7202", "Tres Buon Goods"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers"],
["I7205", "Numereo Uno"],
["I7206", "Dewy Tuesdays"]];
return this.isEqual("selectJoinOnExpression1", data, expected);
selectJoinMultipleConditions2() {
let stmt = "select invoice, name, title from customers inner join booksales on booksales.customer_id = customers.id join books on books.id = booksales.book_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["invoice", "name", "title"],
["I7200", "Numereo Uno", "Book with Mysterious Author"],
["I7205", "Numereo Uno", "Applied AI"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays", "My Last Book"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Applied AI"],
["I7206", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Applied AI"],
["I7202", "Tres Buon Goods", "Book with Mysterious Author"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Your Trip"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Lovely Love"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Dream Your Life"]];
return this.isEqual("selectJoinMultipleConditions2", data, expected);
selectJoinOnExpression2() {
let stmt = "select invoice, name, title from customers inner join booksales on substr(booksales.customer_id, 2, 1) = substr(customers.id, 2, 1) join books on books.id = booksales.book_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["invoice", "name", "title"],
["I7200", "Numereo Uno", "Book with Mysterious Author"],
["I7205", "Numereo Uno", "Applied AI"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays", "My Last Book"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Applied AI"],
["I7206", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Applied AI"],
["I7202", "Tres Buon Goods", "Book with Mysterious Author"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Your Trip"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Lovely Love"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Dream Your Life"]];
return this.isEqual("selectJoinOnExpression2", data, expected);
selectJoinOnExpression3() {
let stmt = "select invoice, name, title from customers inner join booksales on 'BB' + substr(booksales.customer_id, 2, 1) = 'BB' + substr(customers.id, 2, 1) join books on 'CC' + books.id = 'CC' + booksales.book_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["invoice", "name", "title"],
["I7200", "Numereo Uno", "Book with Mysterious Author"],
["I7205", "Numereo Uno", "Applied AI"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays", "My Last Book"],
["I7201", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Applied AI"],
["I7206", "Dewy Tuesdays", "Applied AI"],
["I7202", "Tres Buon Goods", "Book with Mysterious Author"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Your Trip"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Lovely Love"],
["I7204", "ForMe Resellers", "Dream Your Life"]];
return this.isEqual("selectJoinOnExpression3", data, expected);
selectJoinLeftRightSwitchedInCondition() {
let stmt = "select * from books left join authors on authors.id = books.author_id";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "original", "11", "21", "", "11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["2", "Your Trip", "translated", "15", "22", "32", "15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["3", "Lovely Love", "original", "14", "24", "", "14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "11", "24", "", "11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "12", "25", "31", "12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "15", "22", "33", "15", "Yao", "Dou"],
["7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34", "13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34", null, null, null],
["8", "My Last Book", "original", "11", "28", "", "11", "Ellen", "Writer"]];
return this.isEqual("selectJoinLeftRightSwitchedInCondition", data, expected);
selectJoinMultipleConditions3() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales inner join bookreturns on booksales.book_id = bookreturns.book_id and booksales.invoice = bookreturns.rma";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("bookreturns", this.bookReturnsTable())
return this.isEqual("selectJoinMultipleConditions3", data, expected);
selectSingleQuoteDataWithCalculation() {
let stmt = "select sum(amount), avg(amount), max(transaction_date), min(transaction_date) from master";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("master", this.masterTransactionsTable())
let expected = [["sum(amount)", "avg(amount)", "max(transaction_date)", "min(transaction_date)"],
[12399.19, 516.6329166666667, "2019-06-20T04:00:00.000Z", "2019-06-07T04:00:00.000Z"]];
return this.isEqual("selectSingleQuoteDataWithCalculation", data, expected);
selectGroupByCalculatedField() {
let stmt = "select convert(day(date), char) + convert(year(date), char), count(*) from booksales group by convert(day(date), char) + convert(year(date), char)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["convert(day(date), char) + convert(year(date), char)", "count(*)"],
["12022", 3],
["22022", 2],
["32022", 3],
["42022", 2]];
return this.isEqual("selectGroupByCalculatedField", data, expected);
selectGroupByCalculatedFieldNotInSelectFieldList() {
let stmt = "select count(*) from booksales group by convert(day(date), char) + convert(year(date), char)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["count(*)"],
return this.isEqual("selectGroupByCalculatedFieldNotInSelectFieldList", data, expected);
selectGroupByCalculatedField2() {
let stmt = "select concat(convert(substr(customers.phone,1,3),char), booksales.date), count(*)from booksales join customers on booksales.customer_id = customers.id group by concat(convert(substr(customers.phone,1,3),char), booksales.date)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["concat(convert(substr(customers.phone,1,3),char), booksales.date)", "count(*)"],
["28905/03/2022", 3],
["41605/01/2022", 2],
["41605/04/2022", 1],
["51905/02/2022", 1],
["90505/01/2022", 1],
["90505/04/2022", 1]];
return this.isEqual("selectGroupByCalculatedField2", data, expected);
selectOrderByCalculated() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales order by customer_id asc, convert(day(date), char) + convert(year(date), char) desc";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022"],
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022"],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022"],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022"],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022"],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022"],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022"],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022"]];
return this.isEqual("selectOrderByCalculated", data, expected);
selectOrderByCalculated2() {
let stmt = "select *, quantity*price from booksales order by convert(day(date), char) + convert(year(date), char) desc, quantity*price asc";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
["I7205", "7", "C1", 1, 33.97, "05/04/2022", 33.97],
["I7206", "7", "C2", 100, 17.99, "05/04/2022", 1798.9999999999998],
["I7204", "4", "C4", 50, 19.99, "05/03/2022", 999.4999999999999],
["I7204", "3", "C4", 150, 24.95, "05/03/2022", 3742.5],
["I7204", "2", "C4", 100, 65.49, "05/03/2022", 6548.999999999999],
["I7202", "9", "C3", 1, 59.99, "05/02/2022", 59.99],
["I7203", "1", "", 1, 90, "05/02/2022", 90],
["I7201", "8", "C2", 3, 29.95, "05/01/2022", 89.85],
["I7201", "7", "C2", 5, 18.99, "05/01/2022", 94.94999999999999],
["I7200", "9", "C1", 10, 34.95, "05/01/2022", 349.5]];
return this.isEqual("selectOrderByCalculated2", data, expected);
joinBigTables1() {
let recCount = 100000;
let stmt = "select * from booksales join books on booksales.book_id = books.id order by booksales.invoice desc";
const bigBookSalesTable = this.bookSalesTable(recCount);
const bigBookTable = this.bookTable(recCount);
const startTime = performance.now();
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", bigBookSalesTable)
.addTableData("books", bigBookTable)
const endtime = performance.now();
Logger.log(`Big Table Join. ms=${(endtime - startTime).toString()}`);
let expected = recCount + 11;
return this.isEqual("joinBigTables1", data.length, expected);
selectWhereLike3() {
let stmt = "select id, title, author_id from books where title like 'Your%'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["id", "title", "author_id"],
["2", "Your Trip", "15"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "15"]];
return this.isEqual("selectWhereLike3", data, expected);
selectWhereLike4() {
let stmt = "select id, title, author_id from books where title like '%Your%'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["id", "title", "author_id"],
["2", "Your Trip", "15"],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "11"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "15"]];
return this.isEqual("selectWhereLike4", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery8() {
let stmt = "Select * from (select * from books where title like 'Your%') as mybooks";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
["2", "Your Trip", "translated", "15", "22", "32"],
["6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "15", "22", "33"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery8", data, expected);
selectFromSubQuery9() {
let stmt = "Select * from (select * from books where title = 'Your Happy Life') as mybooks";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
["6", "Your Happy Life", "translated", "15", "22", "33"]];
return this.isEqual("selectFromSubQuery9", data, expected);
selectConcat1() {
let stmt = "Select concat(invoice, ', ', price) from booksales";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["concat(invoice, ', ', price)"],
["I7200, 34.95"],
["I7201, 29.95"],
["I7201, 18.99"],
["I7202, 59.99"],
["I7203, 90"],
["I7204, 65.49"],
["I7204, 24.95"],
["I7204, 19.99"],
["I7205, 33.97"],
["I7206, 17.99"]];
return this.isEqual("selectConcat1", data, expected);
selectBadHavingButStillWork() {
// Should be a GROUP BY, but this does work in mySQL
let stmt = "select id from books having id < 5";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
let expected = [["id"],
return this.isEqual("selectBadHavingButStillWork", data, expected);
selectDateDiff() {
// This will never test.
let stmt = "select date as 'Invoice Date', adddate(date, 30) as '30 Days Overdue', datediff(adddate(curDate(),7), now()) from booksales where date <= adddate('05/01/2022',1)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("BookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["Invoice Date", "30 Days Overdue", "datediff(adddate(curDate(),7), now())"],
["05/01/2022", "2022-05-31T04:00:00.000Z", 7],
["05/01/2022", "2022-05-31T04:00:00.000Z", 7],
["05/01/2022", "2022-05-31T04:00:00.000Z", 7],
["05/02/2022", "2022-06-01T04:00:00.000Z", 7],
["05/02/2022", "2022-06-01T04:00:00.000Z", 7]];
return this.isEqual("selectDateDiff", data, expected);
selectDateDiff2() {
// This will never test.
let stmt = "select date as 'Invoice Date', adddate(date, 30) as 'Overdue', datediff(adddate(date, 30), date) from booksales where date <= adddate('05/01/2022',1)";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("BookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["Invoice Date","Overdue","datediff(adddate(date, 30), date)"],
return this.isEqual("selectDateDiff2", data, expected);
selectNotLikeInMiddle1() {
let stmt = "select * from books where title not like 'Your%'";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
["1", "Time to Grow Up!", "original", "11", "21", ""],
["3", "Lovely Love", "original", "14", "24", ""],
["4", "Dream Your Life", "original", "11", "24", ""],
["5", "Oranges", "translated", "12", "25", "31"],
["7", "Applied AI", "translated", "13", "23", "34"],
["9", "Book with Mysterious Author", "translated", "1", "23", "34"],
["8", "My Last Book", "original", "11", "28", ""]];
return this.isEqual("selectNotLikeInMiddle1", data, expected);
selectGroupConcat() {
let stmt = "select group_concat(name) as concatenated from customers ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let expected = [["concatenated"],
["7th Heaven,Dewy Tuesdays,Fe Fi Fo Giant Tiger,ForMe Resellers,Numereo Uno,Sx in Cars,Tres Buon Goods"]];
return this.isEqual("selectGroupConcat", data, expected);
selectGroupConcat2() {
let stmt = "select customer_id, group_concat(distinct(book_id)) as Books from booksales group by customer_id ";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let expected = [["customer_id", "Books"],
["", "1"], ["C1", "7,9"], ["C2", "7,8"], ["C3", "9"], ["C4", "2,3,4"]];
return this.isEqual("selectGroupConcat2", data, expected);
// S T A R T O T H E R T E S T S
removeTrailingEmptyRecords() {
let authors = this.authorsTable();
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
authors.push(["", "", ""]);
let stmt = "select * from authors";
let data = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", authors)
["11", "Ellen", "Writer"],
["12", "Olga", "Savelieva"],
["13", "Jack", "Smart"],
["14", "Donald", "Brain"],
["15", "Yao", "Dou"]];
return this.isEqual("removeTrailingEmptyRecords", data, expected);
parseTableSettings1() {
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([['authors', 'authorsNamedRange', 60, false], ['editors', 'editorsRange', 30], ['people', 'peopleRange']], "", false);
let expected = [["authors", "authorsNamedRange", 60, false],
["editors", "editorsRange", 30, true],
["people", "peopleRange", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings1", data, expected);
parseTableSettings2() {
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([['authors', 'authorsNamedRange', 60], ['editors', 'editorsRange', 30], ['people']], "", false);
let expected = [["authors", "authorsNamedRange", 60, true],
["editors", "editorsRange", 30, true],
["people", "people", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings2", data, expected);
parseTableSettings3() {
let stmt = "select *, books.title, authors.first_name, editors.first_name, customers.name, customers.email, booksales.quantity from bookSales " +
"LEFT JOIN books ON booksales.book_id = books.id " +
"LEFT JOIN authors on books.author_id = authors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN editors on books.editor_id = editors.id " +
"LEFT JOIN customers on bookSales.customer_id = customers.id " +
"WHERE customers.email NOT LIKE '%gmail.com' " +
"UNION select * from bookSales2";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true],
["BOOKS", "BOOKS", 60, true],
["AUTHORS", "AUTHORS", 60, true],
["EDITORS", "EDITORS", 60, true],
["CUSTOMERS", "CUSTOMERS", 60, true],
["BOOKSALES2", "BOOKSALES2", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings3", data, expected);
parseTableSettings4() {
let stmt = "select * from 'master transactions' where account in (select account_name from accounts) ";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["'MASTER TRANSACTIONS'", "'MASTER TRANSACTIONS'", 60, true],
["ACCOUNTS", "ACCOUNTS", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings4", data, expected);
parseTableSettings5() {
let stmt = "SELECT * " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE author_id IN (select a.id from authors as a where first_name = ?) " +
"or editor_id in (select e.id from editors as e where last_name = ?) " +
"or title = ? " +
"ORDER BY title";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKS", "BOOKS", 60, true],
["AUTHORS", "AUTHORS", 60, true],
["EDITORS", "EDITORS", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings5", data, expected);
parseTableSettings6() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, books.author_id " +
"FROM books " +
"WHERE books.author_id NOT IN (SELECT id from authors)" +
"ORDER BY books.title";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKS", "BOOKS", 60, true],
["AUTHORS", "AUTHORS", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings6", data, expected);
parseTableSettings7() {
let stmt = "SELECT booksales.A as 'Invoice', booksales.B as 'Book ID', CUST.A, CUST.B FROM booksales " +
"LEFT JOIN customers as CUST on booksales.C = customers.A ";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true],
["CUSTOMERS", "CUSTOMERS", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings7", data, expected);
parseTableSettings8() {
let stmt = "select id, title, (select count(*) from booksales where books.id = booksales.book_id) from books";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKS", "BOOKS", 60, true],
["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings8", data, expected);
parseTableSettings9() {
let stmt = "select concat_ws('-', *) as Concatenated from booksales left join customers on booksales.customer_id = customers.id where concat_ws('-', *) like '%Way%'";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true],
["CUSTOMERS", "CUSTOMERS", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings9", data, expected);
parseTableSettings10() {
let stmt = "select * from customers where exists (SELECT * FROM booksales WHERE booksales.customer_id = customers.id) and email like '%gmail.com' ";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["CUSTOMERS", "CUSTOMERS", 60, true],
["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings10", data, expected);
parseTableSettings11() {
let stmt = "select customer_id, wins, loss, (wins / (wins+loss)) as rate from (select customer_id, sum(case when quantity < 100 then 1 else 0 end) as wins, sum(case when quantity >= 100 then 1 else 0 end) as loss from booksales group by customer_id) as score";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings11", data, expected);
parseTableSettings12() {
let stmt = "select table3.invoice from " +
"(select invoice, quantity from " +
"(select invoice, table1.QTY as quantity from " +
"(select invoice, quantity as QTY, customer_id from booksales where quantity <= 10) as table1 "
+ "where customer_id = 'C1') as table2) "
+ "as table3";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings12", data, expected);
parseTableSettings13() {
let stmt = "select table3.invoice, table3.name from (select * from (select invoice, table1.QTY as quantity, customers.name from (select invoice, quantity as QTY, customer_id from booksales where quantity <= 10) as table1 join customers on table1.customer_id = customers.id where customer_id = 'C1') as table2) as table3";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true],
["CUSTOMERS", "CUSTOMERS", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings13", data, expected);
parseTableSettings14() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales join (select * from booksales where customer_id = 'C1') as subsales on booksales.book_id = subsales.book_id";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true]];
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings14", data, expected);
parseTableSettings15() {
let stmt = "select * from booksales join bookreturns on booksales.quantity = bookreturns.quantity and booksales.date = bookreturns.date or booksales.book_id = bookreturns.book_id";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["BOOKSALES", "BOOKSALES", 60, true],
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings15", data, expected);
parseTableSettings16() {
let stmt = "select id, first_name, last_name, count(*) from (select id, first_name, last_name from editors union all select id, first_name, last_name from Authors union all select id, first_name, last_name from translators) as test group by id, first_name, last_name";
let data = GasSql.parseTableSettings([], stmt, false);
let expected = [["AUTHORS","AUTHORS",60,true],
return this.isEqual("parseTableSettings16", data, expected);
// Mock the GAS sheets functions required to load.
testTableData1() {
try {
if (SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Master Transactions") === null) {
// Skip tests if Master Transactions does not exist. (so anybody not CJD)
// BUT it will work if test run in NODE.
return true;
catch (ex) {
// Test will fail running in gas-local.
return true;
let [selectTrans, allTrans, allTrans2, allTrans3, allTrans4] = this.testTableData();
let masterTrans = this.masterTransactionsTable();
let expected = [["Transaction Date", "Gross", "Net"],
["2019-06-07T04:00:00.000Z", 0, 12399.19]];
let result = true;
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData1.a", selectTrans, expected);
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData1.b", allTrans, masterTrans);
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData1.c", allTrans2, masterTrans);
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData1.d", allTrans3, masterTrans);
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData1.e", allTrans4, masterTrans);
let data = gsSQL("select Name_of_Institution, Transaction_Date, Description_1, Description_2, Amount, Expense_Category, Account, Gross, Balance " +
"from 'Master Transactions' " +
"where transaction_date >= '6/7/2019' and transaction_date <= '6/20/2019'");
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData1.e", data, masterTrans);
return result;
testTableData2() {
let result = true;
let data = gsSQL("select id, first_name, last_name from authors", "authors", this.authorsTable(), "editors", this.editorsTable(), true);
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData2.a", data, this.authorsTable());
data = gsSQL("select id, first_name, last_name from authors", "authors", this.authorsTable(), "editors", this.editorsTable());
result = result && this.isEqual("testTableData2.b", data, this.authorsTable());
return result;
testTableData() {
// Hey CJD, remember to set the startIncomeDate and endIncomeDate - June 7 to June 20 2019
const itemData = new TestSql()
.addTableData('mastertransactions', 'Master Transactions!$A$1:$I', 60)
.execute("select transaction_date as 'Transaction Date', sum(gross) as Gross, sum(amount) as Net " +
"from mastertransactions " +
"where transaction_date >= ?1 and transaction_date <= ?2 ");
// Load load from sheet.
let trans = new TestSql()
.addTableData('mastertransactions', 'Master Transactions!$A$1:$I', .1)
.execute("select * " +
"from mastertransactions " +
"where transaction_date >= ?1 and transaction_date <= ?2 ");
// Should load from sheet.
trans = new TestSql()
.addTableData('mastertransactions', 'Master Transactions!$A$1:$I', 0)
.execute("select * " +
"from mastertransactions " +
"where transaction_date >= ?1 and transaction_date <= ?2 ");
// Save to long term cache.
let trans2 = new TestSql()
.addTableData('mastertransactions', 'Master Transactions!$A$1:$I30', 25000)
.execute("select * " +
"from mastertransactions " +
"where transaction_date >= ?1 and transaction_date <= ?2 ");
// Load from long term cache.
let trans3 = new TestSql()
.addTableData('mastertransactions', 'Master Transactions!$A$1:$I30', 25000)
.execute("select * " +
"from mastertransactions " +
"where transaction_date >= ?1 and transaction_date <= ?2 ");
// Force the expiry times for all items in long term cache.
// It does not remove items from cache, it just forces that check -
// which would never happen in testing since the check timeout is 21,000 seconds.
let trans4 = new TestSql()
.addTableData('mastertransactions', 'Master Transactions!$A$1:$I30', 25000)
.execute("select * " +
"from mastertransactions " +
"where transaction_date >= ?1 and transaction_date <= ?2 ");
// This test is not going to run long enough for long cache to be forceably
// expired, so we should make that long cache expire.
return [itemData, trans, trans2, trans3, trans4];
selectBadTable1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, quantity * price from booksail where price * quantity > 100";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("editors", this.editorsTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadTable1", ex);
selectBadMath1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price, quantity # price from booksales where price * quantity > 100";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadMath1", ex);
selectBadField1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, prices from booksales ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadField1", ex);
selectBadField1a() {
// A SELECT you would encounter in the sub-query of a correlated lookup.
let stmt = "select count(*) from booksales where books.id = booksales.book_id";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadField1a", ex);
selectBadField2() {
let stmt = "SELECT sum(quantitys) from booksales ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadField2", ex);
selectBadField3() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, Sumthing(price) from booksales ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadField3", ex);
selectBadField4() {
let stmt = "SELECT invoice, SUMM(quantity) from booksales group by invoice";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadField4", ex);
selectBadField5() {
let stmt = "SELECT from booksales group by invoice";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadField5", ex);
selectBadField6() {
let stmt = "SELECT invoice date from booksales";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadField6", ex);
selectBadOp1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, Sum(price) from booksales where price >>! 0 ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadOp1", ex);
selectBadAs1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price ASE PrIcE from booksales ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadAs1", ex);
selectBadConstant1() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price AS PrIcE from booksales where invoice = 'I7200 ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadConstant1", ex);
selectBadConstant2() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, price AS PrIcE from booksales where price > 1O0 ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectBadConstant2", ex);
nonSelect1() {
let stmt = "delete from booksales where price > 1O0 ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("nonSelect1", ex);
badJoin1() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, authors.first_name, authors.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"INNER JOIN authors " +
"ON books.author_id = authors.di " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badJoin1", ex);
badJoin2() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, authors.first_name, authors.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"INNER JOIN authors " +
"ON books.author_di = authors.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badJoin2", ex);
badJoin3() {
let stmt = "SELECT books.id, books.title, authors.first_name, authors.last_name " +
"FROM books " +
"INNER JOIN on authors " +
"books.author_id = authors.id " +
"ORDER BY books.id";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badJoin3", ex);
badJoin4() {
let stmt = "select invoice, name from booksales inner join customers on substr(booksales.nonExistingColumn, 2, 1) = substr(customers.id, 2, 1)";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badJoin4", ex);
badJoin5() {
let stmt = "select invoice, name, title from customers inner join booksales on 'BB' + substr(booksales.customer_id, 2, 1) = 'BB' + substr(customers.id, 2, 1) join books on 'CC' + books.badColumnName = 'CC' + booksales.book_id";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", this.bookTable())
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badJoin5", ex);
badOrderBy1() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales order by DATE DSC, customer_id asc";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badOrderBy1", ex);
badOrderBy2() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales order by ORDER_DATE";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badOrderBy2", ex);
badOrderBy3() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales order invoice";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badOrderBy3", ex);
badGroupBy1() {
let stmt = "select date from bookSales group date";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badGroupBy1", ex);
bindVariableMissing() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date > ?1 AND date < ?2 OR book_id = ?3";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("bindVariableMissing", ex);
bindVariableMissing1() {
let stmt = "select * from bookSales where date > ? AND date < ?";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("bindVariableMissing1", ex);
selectNoFrom() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, prices for booksales ";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectNoFrom", ex);
selectNoTitles() {
let stmt = "SELECT quantity, prices from booksales ";
let dataTable = this.bookSalesTable();
let ex = "";
try {
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", dataTable)
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectNoTitles", ex);
selectFromSubQueryNoAlias() {
let stmt = "select invoice from (select invoice from booksales where customer_id = 'C1')";
let ex = "";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("booksales", this.bookSalesTable())
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("selectFromSubQueryNoAlias", ex);
badParseTableSettings1() {
let ex = "";
try {
GasSql.parseTableSettings([['authors', 'authorsNamedRange', true, 60, true], ['editors', 'editorsRange', 30], ['people']], "", false);
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badParseTableSettings1", ex);
pivotGroupByMissing() {
let stmt = "select sum(quantity) from bookSales where date > ?1 AND date < ?2 OR book_id = ?3 pivot customer_id";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("bookSales", this.bookSalesTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("pivotGroupByMissing", ex);
badUnion1() {
let stmt = "select * from authors UNION select * from customers";
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("authors", this.authorsTable())
.addTableData("customers", this.customerTable())
let ex = "";
try {
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badUnion1", ex);
badFieldNames1() {
let stmt = "select id from books where author_id is not null";
let booksTable = this.bookTable();
booksTable.unshift(["id", "title", "type", "author id", "author_id", "translator id"]);
let ex = "";
try {
let testSQL = new TestSql()
.addTableData("books", booksTable)
catch (exceptionErr) {
ex = exceptionErr;
return this.isFail("badFieldNames1", ex);
viewsToUpperCaseExceptQuoted() {
const data = SelectTables.toUpperCaseExceptQuoted("stuff(email, 2, 3, 'Cjd') + stuff(email, 2, 3, 'Dd')");
return this.isEqual("viewsToUpperCaseExceptQuoted", data, "STUFF(EMAIL, 2, 3, 'Cjd') + STUFF(EMAIL, 2, 3, 'Dd')");
isFail(functionName, exceptionErr) {
if (exceptionErr != "") {
Logger.log(functionName + " Captured Error: " + exceptionErr)
Logger.log(functionName + "() *** S U C C E S S ***");
return true;
else {
Logger.log(functionName + "() *** F A I L E D ***");
Logger.log("Exception was expected !!");
return false;
isEqual(functionName, sqlDataArray, expectedArry) {
let isEqualTest = false;
let jsonData = JSON.stringify(sqlDataArray);
let expectedJSON = JSON.stringify(expectedArry);
let isEqual = jsonData == expectedJSON;
if (!isEqual) {
// May have "10" != 10 and fail. We should not fail in that case.
//isEqual = sqlDataArray.toString() === expectedArry.toString();
Logger.log("JSON comp failed. toString(): " + sqlDataArray.toString() + " === " + expectedArry.toString());
if (!isEqual) {
Logger.log(functionName + "() ---------- F A I L E D ----------");
for (let i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {
if (i >= jsonData.length)
if (jsonData.charAt(i) !== expectedJSON.charAt(i)) {
Logger.log("Pos=" + i + ". DIFF=" + jsonData.substring(i, i + 20) + " != " + expectedJSON.substring(i, i + 20));
else {
Logger.log(functionName + "() *** S U C C E S S ***");
isEqualTest = true;
return isEqualTest;
// *** DEBUG START ***
// Remove comments for testing in NODE
// *** DEBUG END ***/
function testerSql() {
let result = true;
let tester = new SqlTester();
result = result && tester.selectAll1();
result = result && tester.selectAllCase1();
result = result && tester.selectIsNotNull1();
result = result && tester.selectAllAuthorsToObject();
result = result && tester.selectAnAuthorsToObject();
result = result && tester.selectIsNull1();
result = result && tester.innerJoin1a();
result = result && tester.innerJoin1case();
result = result && tester.innerJoin2();
result = result && tester.innerJoin2ToObject();
result = result && tester.innerJoinAlias1();
result = result && tester.innerJoinAlias2();
result = result && tester.join2a();
result = result && tester.join2b();
result = result && tester.join3();
result = result && tester.joinLimit1();
result = result && tester.leftJoin1();
result = result && tester.rightJoin1();
result = result && tester.rightJoin1a();
result = result && tester.rightJoin2();
result = result && tester.fullJoin1();
result = result && tester.fullJoin2();
result = result && tester.fullJoin3();
result = result && tester.whereIn1();
result = result && tester.whereIn2();
result = result && tester.whereIn3();
result = result && tester.whereIn4();
result = result && tester.whereIn5();
result = result && tester.whereIn6();
result = result && tester.whereIn7();
result = result && tester.whereNotIn1();
result = result && tester.whereNotIn2();
result = result && tester.whereNotIn3();
result = result && tester.whereNotIn4();
result = result && tester.whereAndOr1();
result = result && tester.whereAndOr2();
result = result && tester.whereAndOr3();
result = result && tester.whereAndNotEqual2();
result = result && tester.whereAndNotEqual3();
result = result && tester.groupBy1();
result = result && tester.selectAgainNewBinds1();
result = result && tester.groupBy2();
result = result && tester.groupBy3();
result = result && tester.groupBy4();
result = result && tester.avgSelect1();
result = result && tester.funcsSelect2();
result = result && tester.innerSelect1();
result = result && tester.whereLike1();
result = result && tester.whereLike2();
result = result && tester.whereNotLike1();
result = result && tester.union1();
result = result && tester.unionAlias1();
result = result && tester.unionBind1();
result = result && tester.unionAll1();
result = result && tester.unionAll2();
result = result && tester.unionJoin1();
result = result && tester.except1();
result = result && tester.intersect1();
result = result && tester.orderByDesc1();
result = result && tester.orderByDesc2();
result = result && tester.orderByDesc3();
result = result && tester.distinct1();
result = result && tester.selectMath1();
result = result && tester.selectMathFunc1();
result = result && tester.selectMathFunc2();
result = result && tester.selectFuncs2();
result = result && tester.selectFuncs3();
result = result && tester.selectFuncs4();
result = result && tester.selectFuncs5();
result = result && tester.selectFuncs6();
result = result && tester.selectFuncs7();
result = result && tester.selectFuncInFunc1();
result = result && tester.selectFuncInFunc2();
result = result && tester.selectIF1();
result = result && tester.selectIF2();
result = result && tester.selectIF3();
result = result && tester.selectIF4();
result = result && tester.selectWhereCalc1();
result = result && tester.selectWhereCalc2();
result = result && tester.selectCase1();
result = result && tester.selectCase2();
result = result && tester.selectAlias1();
result = result && tester.groupPivot1();
result = result && tester.groupPivot2();
result = result && tester.groupPivot3();
result = result && tester.groupFunc1();
result = result && tester.groupFunc2();
result = result && tester.selectInGroupByPivot1();
result = result && tester.selectInGroupByPivot2();
result = result && tester.selectInGroupByPivot3();
result = result && tester.selectCount1();
result = result && tester.selectCount2();
result = result && tester.selectCount3();
result = result && tester.selectCount4();
result = result && tester.selectCount5();
result = result && tester.selectCount6();
result = result && tester.selectGroupByNotInSelect();
result = result && tester.selectGroupByNotInSelect2();
result = result && tester.selectOrderByNotInSelect();
result = result && tester.selectCoalesce();
result = result && tester.selectConcat_Ws();
result = result && tester.selectConcat_Ws2();
result = result && tester.selectNoTitle1();
result = result && tester.selectNested();
result = result && tester.selectNested2();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery1();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery2();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery3();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery4();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery5();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery6();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery7();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery8();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery9();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery10();
result = result && tester.selectCorrelatedSubQuery11();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery1();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery2();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery3();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery4();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery5();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery6();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery7();
result = result && tester.selectConvertFunction();
result = result && tester.selectJoinMultipleConditions();
result = result && tester.selectJoinOnExpression1();
result = result && tester.selectJoinMultipleConditions2();
result = result && tester.selectJoinOnExpression2();
result = result && tester.selectJoinOnExpression3();
result = result && tester.selectJoinLeftRightSwitchedInCondition();
result = result && tester.selectJoinMultipleConditions3();
result = result && tester.selectSingleQuoteDataWithCalculation();
result = result && tester.selectGroupByCalculatedField();
result = result && tester.selectGroupByCalculatedFieldNotInSelectFieldList();
result = result && tester.selectGroupByCalculatedField2();
result = result && tester.selectOrderByCalculated();
result = result && tester.selectOrderByCalculated2();
// This test causes problems on gsSqlTest sheet (too big)
// result = result && tester.joinBigTables1();
result = result && tester.removeTrailingEmptyRecords();
result = result && tester.selectWhereLike3();
result = result && tester.selectWhereLike4();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery8();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQuery9();
result = result && tester.selectConcat1();
result = result && tester.selectBadHavingButStillWork();
// result = result && tester.selectDateDiff(); // Test fails after 8pm local time.
result = result && tester.selectDateDiff2();
result = result && tester.selectNotLikeInMiddle1();
result = result && tester.selectGroupConcat();
result = result && tester.selectGroupConcat2();
result = result && tester.unionAll3();
result = result && tester.unionAll4();
result = result && tester.groupBy5();
result = result && tester.selectBadTable1();
result = result && tester.selectBadMath1();
result = result && tester.selectBadField1();
result = result && tester.selectBadField1a();
result = result && tester.selectBadField2();
result = result && tester.selectBadField3();
result = result && tester.selectBadField4();
result = result && tester.selectBadField5();
result = result && tester.selectBadField6();
result = result && tester.selectBadOp1();
result = result && tester.selectBadAs1();
result = result && tester.selectBadConstant1();
result = result && tester.selectBadConstant2();
result = result && tester.nonSelect1();
result = result && tester.badJoin1();
result = result && tester.badJoin2();
result = result && tester.badJoin3();
result = result && tester.badJoin4();
result = result && tester.badJoin5();
result = result && tester.badOrderBy1();
result = result && tester.badOrderBy2();
result = result && tester.badOrderBy3();
result = result && tester.badGroupBy1();
result = result && tester.bindVariableMissing();
result = result && tester.bindVariableMissing1();
result = result && tester.selectNoFrom();
result = result && tester.selectNoTitles();
result = result && tester.selectFromSubQueryNoAlias();
result = result && tester.pivotGroupByMissing();
result = result && tester.badUnion1();
result = result && tester.badFieldNames1();
// Sql.js unit tests.
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings1();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings2();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings3();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings4();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings5();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings6();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings7();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings8();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings9();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings10();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings11();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings12();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings13();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings14();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings15();
result = result && tester.parseTableSettings16();
result = result && tester.testTableData1();
result = result && tester.testTableData2();
result = result && tester.badParseTableSettings1();
result = result && tester.viewsToUpperCaseExceptQuoted();
tester.isEqual("=== E N D O F T E S T S ===", true, result);
return result;