// *** DEBUG START ***
// Remove comments for testing in NODE
export { TableData };
import { SpreadsheetApp } from "./SqlTest.js";
import { ScriptSettings } from "./ScriptSettings.js";
import { Table } from "./Table.js";
import { CacheService, LockService, Utilities } from "../GasMocks.js";
class Logger {
static log(msg) {
// *** DEBUG END ***/
* Interface for loading table data either from CACHE or SHEET.
* @class
* @classdesc
* * Automatically load table data from a **CACHE** or **SHEET** <br>
* * In all cases, if the cache has expired, the data is read from the sheet.
* <br>
* | Cache Seconds | Description |
* | --- | --- |
* | 0 | Data is not cached and always read directly from SHEET |
* | <= 21600 | Data read from SHEETS cache if it has not expired |
* | > 21600 | Data read from Google Sheets Script Settings |
class TableData { // skipcq: JS-0128
* Retrieve table data from SHEET or CACHE.
* @param {String} namedRange - Location of table data. Either a) SHEET Name, b) Named Range, c) A1 sheet notation.
* @param {Number} cacheSeconds - 0s Reads directly from sheet. > 21600s Sets in SCRIPT settings, else CacheService
* @returns {any[][]}
static loadTableData(namedRange, cacheSeconds = 0) {
if (typeof namedRange === 'undefined' || namedRange === "")
return [];
Logger.log(`loadTableData: ${namedRange}. Seconds=${cacheSeconds}`);
return Table.removeEmptyRecordsAtEndOfTable(TableData.getValuesCached(namedRange, cacheSeconds));
* Reads a RANGE of values.
* @param {String} namedRange
* @param {Number} seconds
* @returns {any[][]}
static getValuesCached(namedRange, seconds) {
let cache = {};
let cacheSeconds = seconds;
if (cacheSeconds <= 0) {
return TableData.loadValuesFromRangeOrSheet(namedRange);
else if (cacheSeconds > 21600) {
cache = new ScriptSettings();
if (TableData.isTimeToRunLongCacheExpiry()) {
cacheSeconds = cacheSeconds / 86400; // ScriptSettings put() wants days to hold.
else {
cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
let arrData = TableData.cacheGetArray(cache, namedRange);
if (arrData !== null) {
Logger.log(`Found in CACHE: ${namedRange}. Items=${arrData.length}`);
return arrData;
Logger.log(`Not in cache: ${namedRange}`);
arrData = TableData.lockLoadAndCache(cache, namedRange, cacheSeconds);
return arrData;
* Is it time to run the long term cache expiry check?
* @returns {Boolean}
static isTimeToRunLongCacheExpiry() {
const shortCache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
return shortCache.get("LONG_CACHE_EXPIRY") === null;
* The long term expiry check is done every 21,000 seconds. Set the clock now!
static setLongCacheExpiry() {
const shortCache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
shortCache.put("LONG_CACHE_EXPIRY", 'true', 21000);
* In the interest of testing, force the expiry check.
* It does not mean items in cache will be removed - just
* forces a check.
static forceLongCacheExpiryCheck() {
const shortCache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
if (shortCache.get("LONG_CACHE_EXPIRY") !== null) {
* Reads a single cell.
* @param {String} namedRange
* @param {Number} seconds
* @returns {any}
static getValueCached(namedRange, seconds = 60) {
const cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
let singleData = cache.get(namedRange);
if (singleData === null) {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
singleData = ss.getRangeByName(namedRange).getValue();
cache.put(namedRange, JSON.stringify(singleData), seconds);
else {
singleData = JSON.parse(singleData);
const tempArr = [[singleData]];
singleData = tempArr[0][0];
return singleData;
* For updating a sheet VALUE that may be later read from cache.
* @param {String} namedRange
* @param {any} singleData
* @param {Number} seconds
static setValueCached(namedRange, singleData, seconds = 60) {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let cache = null;
if (seconds === 0) {
else if (seconds > 21600) {
cache = new ScriptSettings();
else {
cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
cache.put(namedRange, JSON.stringify(singleData), seconds);
* For updating a sheet array that may be later read from cache.
* @param {String} namedRange
* @param {any[][]} arrData
* @param {Number} seconds
static setValuesCached(namedRange, arrData, seconds = 60) {
const cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
cache.put(namedRange, JSON.stringify(arrData), seconds)
* Check if data from cache is in error.
* @param {any[][]} arrData
* @returns {Boolean}
static verifyCachedData(arrData) {
let verified = true;
for (const rowData of arrData) {
for (const fieldData of rowData) {
if (fieldData === "#ERROR!") {
Logger.log("Reading from CACHE has found '#ERROR!'. Re-Loading...");
verified = false;
return verified;
* Checks if this range is loading elsewhere (i.e. from another call to custom function)
* @param {String} namedRange
* @returns {Boolean}
static isRangeLoading(cache, namedRange) {
let loading = false;
const cacheData = cache.get(TableData.cacheStatusName(namedRange));
if (cacheData !== null && cacheData === TABLE.LOADING) {
loading = true;
Logger.log(`isRangeLoading: ${namedRange}. Status: ${loading}`);
return loading;
* Retrieve data from cache after it has loaded elsewhere.
* @param {Object} cache
* @param {String} namedRange
* @param {Number} cacheSeconds - How long to cache results.
* @returns {any[][]}
static waitForRangeToLoad(cache, namedRange, cacheSeconds) {
const start = new Date().getTime();
let current = new Date().getTime();
Logger.log(`waitForRangeToLoad() - Start: ${namedRange}`);
while (TableData.isRangeLoading(cache, namedRange) && (current - start) < 10000) {
current = new Date().getTime();
Logger.log("waitForRangeToLoad() - End");
let arrData = TableData.cacheGetArray(cache, namedRange);
// Give up and load from SHEETS directly.
if (arrData === null) {
Logger.log(`waitForRangeToLoad - give up. Read directly. ${namedRange}`);
arrData = TableData.loadValuesFromRangeOrSheet(namedRange);
if (TableData.isRangeLoading(cache, namedRange)) {
// Other process probably timed out and left status hanging.
TableData.cachePutArray(cache, namedRange, cacheSeconds, arrData);
return arrData;
* Read range of value from sheet and cache.
* @param {Object} cache - cache object can vary depending where the data is stored.
* @param {String} namedRange
* @param {Number} cacheSeconds
* @returns {any[][]} - data from range
static lockLoadAndCache(cache, namedRange, cacheSeconds) {
// Only change our CACHE STATUS if we have a lock.
const lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
try {
lock.waitLock(100000); // wait 100 seconds for others' use of the code section and lock to stop and then proceed
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Cache lock failed");
// It is possible that just before getting the lock, another process started caching.
if (TableData.isRangeLoading(cache, namedRange)) {
return TableData.waitForRangeToLoad(cache, namedRange, cacheSeconds);
// Mark the status for this named range that loading is in progress.
cache.put(TableData.cacheStatusName(namedRange), TABLE.LOADING, 15);
// Load data from SHEETS.
const arrData = TableData.loadValuesFromRangeOrSheet(namedRange);
Logger.log(`Just LOADED from SHEET: ${arrData.length}`);
TableData.cachePutArray(cache, namedRange, cacheSeconds, arrData);
return arrData;
* Read sheet data into double array.
* @param {String} namedRange - named range, A1 notation or sheet name
* @returns {any[][]} - table data.
static loadValuesFromRangeOrSheet(namedRange) {
let tableNamedRange = namedRange;
let output = [];
try {
const sheetNamedRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getRangeByName(tableNamedRange);
if (sheetNamedRange === null) {
// This may be a SHEET NAME, so try getting SHEET RANGE.
if (tableNamedRange.startsWith("'") && tableNamedRange.endsWith("'")) {
tableNamedRange = tableNamedRange.substring(1, tableNamedRange.length - 1);
let sheetHandle = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(tableNamedRange);
// Actual sheet may have spaces in name. The SQL must reference that table with
// underscores replacing those spaces.
if (sheetHandle === null && tableNamedRange.indexOf("_") !== -1) {
tableNamedRange = tableNamedRange.replace(/_/g, " ");
sheetHandle = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(tableNamedRange);
if (sheetHandle === null) {
throw new Error(`Invalid table range specified: ${tableNamedRange}`);
const lastColumn = sheetHandle.getLastColumn();
const lastRow = sheetHandle.getLastRow();
output = sheetHandle.getSheetValues(1, 1, lastRow, lastColumn);
else {
// @ts-ignore
output = sheetNamedRange.getValues();
catch (ex) {
throw new Error(`Error reading table data: ${tableNamedRange}`);
return output;
* Takes array data to be cached, breaks up into chunks if necessary, puts each chunk into cache and updates status.
* @param {Object} cache
* @param {String} namedRange
* @param {Number} cacheSeconds
* @param {any[][]} arrData
static cachePutArray(cache, namedRange, cacheSeconds, arrData) {
const cacheStatusName = TableData.cacheStatusName(namedRange);
const json = JSON.stringify(arrData);
// Split up data (for re-assembly on get() later)
let splitCount = (json.length / (100 * 1024)) * 1.3; // 1.3 - assumes some blocks may be bigger.
splitCount = splitCount < 1 ? 1 : splitCount;
const arrayLength = Math.ceil(arrData.length / splitCount);
const putObject = {};
let blockCount = 0;
let startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex < arrData.length) {
const arrayBlock = arrData.slice(startIndex, startIndex + arrayLength);
startIndex += arrayLength;
putObject[`${namedRange}:${blockCount.toString()}`] = JSON.stringify(arrayBlock);
// Update status that cache is updated.
const lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
try {
lock.waitLock(100000); // wait 100 seconds for others' use of the code section and lock to stop and then proceed
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Cache lock failed");
cache.putAll(putObject, cacheSeconds);
cache.put(cacheStatusName, TABLE.BLOCKS + blockCount.toString(), cacheSeconds);
Logger.log(`Writing STATUS: ${cacheStatusName}. Value=${TABLE.BLOCKS}${blockCount.toString()}. seconds=${cacheSeconds}. Items=${arrData.length}`);
* Reads cache for range, and re-assembles blocks into return array of data.
* @param {Object} cache
* @param {String} namedRange
* @returns {any[][]}
static cacheGetArray(cache, namedRange) {
let arrData = [];
const cacheStatusName = TableData.cacheStatusName(namedRange);
const cacheStatus = cache.get(cacheStatusName);
if (cacheStatus === null) {
Logger.log(`Named Range Cache Status not found = ${cacheStatusName}`);
return null;
Logger.log(`Cache Status: ${cacheStatusName}. Value=${cacheStatus}`);
if (cacheStatus === TABLE.LOADING) {
return null;
const blockStr = cacheStatus.substring(cacheStatus.indexOf(TABLE.BLOCKS) + TABLE.BLOCKS.length);
if (blockStr !== "") {
const blocks = Number(blockStr);
for (let i = 1; i <= blocks; i++) {
const blockName = `${namedRange}:${i.toString()}`;
const jsonData = cache.get(blockName);
if (jsonData === null) {
Logger.log(`Named Range Part not found. R=${blockName}`);
return null;
const partArr = JSON.parse(jsonData);
if (TableData.verifyCachedData(partArr)) {
arrData = arrData.concat(partArr);
else {
Logger.log(`Failed to verify named range: ${blockName}`);
return null;
Logger.log(`Just LOADED From CACHE: ${namedRange}. Items=${arrData.length}`);
// The conversion to JSON causes SHEET DATES to be converted to a string.
// This converts any DATE STRINGS back to javascript date.
return arrData;
* Dates retrieved from a JSON structure need to be converted to JS date.
* @param {any[][]} arrData
static fixJSONdates(arrData) {
const ISO_8601_FULL = /^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\.\d+)?(([+-]\d\d:\d\d)|Z)?$/i
for (const row of arrData) {
for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
const testStr = row[i];
if (ISO_8601_FULL.test(testStr)) {
row[i] = new Date(testStr);
* @param {String} namedRange
* @returns {String}
static cacheStatusName(namedRange) {
return namedRange + TABLE.STATUS;
const TABLE = {