A Google Sheets custom function used to predict a GROSS INCOME from NET INCOME - taking Canadian/Ontario tax rates into account.
A Google Sheets custom function used for doing retirement income projections and taking Canadian taxes into the equation.
Take a column of NET INCOMES and calculate as accurately as possible the amount of GROSS INCOMES that would be required in Canada (and ONTARIO) to have the required net income.
There is also the option of doing the opposite on finding net incomes from gross incomes.
The factors taken into consideration for finding gross/net income:
Regular taxable income (like RRSP, CPP, OAS,…)
Age credits
Capital gains
Eligible Canadian Dividends
OAS clawbacks
Pension credit eligible income
Medical Expenses
non Eligible Dividends
Charitable donations
Googles guide to adding custom functions: Google Help
Copy files manually.
In the ./dist folder there is one file. Only one is required.
This file is an amalgamation of the files in the /src folder.
Therefore do NOT use the files in /src folder.
The simple approach is to copy and paste CanadianTaxes.js.
From your sheets Select Extensions and then Apps Script
Ensure that Editor is selected. It is the < >
Click the PLUS sign beside File and then select Script
Click on CanadianTaxes.js, and then click on Copy Raw Contents which puts the file into your copy buffer.
Back in your Google Project, rename Untitled to the file name you just selected in Github. It is not necessary to enter the .gs extension.
Remove the default contents of the file myFunction() and paste in the new content you have copied from Github (Ctrl-v).
Click the little diskette icon to save.
Change to your spreadsheet screen and try typing in any cell
=GET_GROSS_INCOMES_V2() or =GET_NET_INCOMES_V2(). The new function with online help should be available.
This custom function does an internal check and outputs the results. Ensure there are enough empty lines below so that the custom function can expand the results.
The test data is using 2024 tax bracket data. The expected results column is calculated manually using the TaxTips.ca website. https://www.taxtips.ca/calculators/canadian-tax/canadian-tax-calculator.htm
Process a column of yearly NET INCOMES and return a column of GROSS INCOMES.
The GROSS INCOME is the total income from taxable sources like: pension, RRSP, RRIF, LIF, CPP, OAS (but sources of income used as parameters to the function ARE NOT included in the total - they are used to find total tax payable)
The capital gains and dividends are not include in the gross income. They used to find the total tax payable.
The ‘currentAge’ uses the CURRENT TAX RATES, but future years the tax brackets are adjusted by inflation. The assumption is that if the net income stayed the same over time, the gross income required to process that net amount will DROP.
income - array of net income
ageInFuture - array of retireee age for given net income.
currentAge - present day age of retiree
projectedInflation - long term projected inflation rate - used to adjust TAX BRACKETS only.
We use the TAX RATES for the starting year, but can only guess the tax rates of future years. The basic personal exeption and tax brackets are adjusted by this inflation amount.
taxYear - tax year of present day retireee. Used to adjust tax brackets.
projectedGains - amount of assets sold each year subject to capital gains tax
projectedDividends - amount of dividends received each year
yearlyOAS - Old Age Security amount. Used to determine clawback (which is counted as a tax)
incomeEligibleForPensionCredit - Pension credit eligible income. This will add to the tax credits up to a specific amount.
medicalExpenses - Expected yearly medical expenses
nonEligibleDividends - non eligible dividends (for enhanced credits)
donations - charitable donations
debug - true/false - show tax summary in script logging
returns - GROSS Income from ALL taxable sources EXCLUDING capital gains and dividends, but including RRSP, CPP, OAS, …(all taxable sources)
Basically, we are trying to find how much to withdraw from RRSP so RRSP = gross - (CPP + OAS + other taxable sources)
2024 - the current tax year (2024) for the 60 year old retiree
E2:E28 - expected captial gains for the year
D2:D28 - expected eligible dividends for the year
F2:F28 - expected OAS for the year
G2:G28 - income that qualifies for the pension credit
Guiding Principle
The basic philosophy is that the GROSS INCOME is used to pay all taxes.
The capital gains, dividends, OAS, pension income is NOT included in the GROSS INCOME calculation. These values are for adjusting the total tax that is due.
The inflation rate is ONLY used for adjusting future tax brackets in order to come up with a reasonable tax that would be due.
For example, if you have net income of $50,000 this year and also the same amount for next year - the GROSS INCOME required should be less since the brackets would have adjusted upwards for inflation.
Known Issues
Useful for tax estimation only. Incomes to the extreme are not super accurate.
Super low incomes in Ontario will generate LIFT credits (for example) which are not calculated here.
Super high incomes may trigger the alternative minimum tax - which is not calculated here.
Future years tax brackets are estimated only. It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.
Only does taxes for Ontario Canada.
I have coded the js so it should be fairly easy to extended support for other provinces.
Only 2024, 2025 tax brackets currently entered.
However, even if this data is not updated and you use in a later year (e.g. 2030) - the tax brackets will be adjusted for inflation from 2025 to 2030.
Spousal returns are not calculated.
Many special credits that many affect your total tax bill are not calculated (at this time).